TBD RES 2014-03TBD RESOLUTION NO. 2014- 03 A RESOLUTION of the Bainbridge Island Transportation Benefit District establishing a spending plan for 2014. WHEREAS, the Bainbridge Island Transportation Benefit District (the "District ") was established on August 22, 2012 pursuant to City of Bainbridge Island Ordinance No. 2012 -14; and WHEREAS, the District established a $20 license fee for qualifying vehicles January 9, 2013 pursuant to Bainbridge Island Transportation Benefit District Ordinance No. 2013 -01; and WHEREAS, vehicle owners have been paying the fee since August 2013; and WHEREAS, the District desires to make a spending plan for revenue received, THE BAINBRIDGE ISLAND TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The District shall transfer $250,000 to the City of Bainbridge Island to be spent on qualifying transportation projects in 2014. The District finds that the Annual Roads Safety Upgrades, the Annual Roads Preservation Project, and the Island -Wide Gaps Right -of -Way Acquisition are qualifying projects under the criteria set forth in RCW 36.73.020 in that they reduce the risk of transportation facility failure, improve safety, provide cost - effectiveness by allowing the City to avoid more expensive replacements in the future, and contribute to optimal system performance through time. Section 2. The spending plan for 2014 is attached as Exhibit A to this resolution. PASSED by the Bainbridge Island Transportation Benefit District this 9th day of June, 2014. APPROVED by the Chair this 9th day of June, 2014, By: David Ward, diair ATTEST /AUTHENTICATE: Rosalind D. Lassoff Bainbridge Island City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND CITY CLERK: June 2, 2014 PASSED BY THE BAINBRIDGE ISLAND TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT: June 9, 2014 TBD RESOLUTION NO. 2014 -03 City of Bainbridge island Transportation Benefit District C1P (2014 - 2020) Arrject Location 1° N Q E Vim. �A7 ICI, u 3 pp f3,. u° o 3 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Transportation Benefit District Projects Annual Road Safety Upgrades Island -Wide Y 50 SO 50 50 50 50 Annual Roads Preservation Residential Streets 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 Island -Wide Gaps ROW Acquisition Island -Wide Y 100 100 100 100 TOTALS ....................... .. ...................... .................. 50 250 I 1 25ta [ 25 � i Note:The purpose of the district Is to i a i Improve and protect the city's long -term I Investment In its transportation Infrastructure, to [@duce the risk of transportation facility fallure, to improve f , to avoid more expensive Infrastructure replacements In the future, f and to reduce congestion or stem the 11 expected Increase in congestion created by Failing roads, (Ord, 2012 -14 § 1, 2012) Amounts In thousands City of Bainbridge Island — Capital Project Summary 2015 Roadside Safety Upgrades Insert photo of gap In shoulder DESCRIPTION Following the-Staff assessment,of roadside conditions on the City's arterial streets in 2014 funding is needed for a new annual program to repair/ replace guardrails, reconstruct soft shoulders, remove obstructions, and address other roadside safety concerns. BENEFIT Safety - - _ SCHEDULE Annual program. CATEGORY M/E, GC, Tier x, Priority A. PROJECT COSTS Design /permitting 'ROW =Construction Sub -total Year 11 Year 21 Year ' Year 4 Year 51 Year -6 En- house i O Qi ©� o q �0 $50i $50 X50 $50 $50. $50 FUND SOUR_ CES (2,000's) Street Fund 501 500 50 Grant Sub -total $501 X50; X50 I $50 50 $501 $50 I City of Bainbridge Island — Capital Project Summary 2015 Annual Roads Program DESCRIPTION The Annual Roads Preservation Program consists of a combination of 1) grinding & patching roadways and /or z) chip sealing. Grinding & patching the roadways is a maintenance operation and chip sealing adds a coating of asphalt oil and fine crushed rock over the existing pavement to preserve the street surface and to keep the roads in good drivable condition. BENEFIT Preservation and prolonged life of the roadway system. SCHEDULE Annual, preferably during warm weather construction season. CATEGORY Preservation sA M;GC ' PROJECT COSTS (s,000's) Design /permitting ROW Construction Sub -total Year 11 Year 2 Year Year 1 Year Year 6 in -house 6121 624; 6371 649 6623 6761 $622 x624 $637 6649 6662 x676 FUND SOURCES Street Fund $6121 $624, 6637 $649 6662 6676 Grant Sub -total 6612 $6241 6637 $649 $662 6676 i i City of Bainbridge Island — Capital Project Summary Island -wide Right -of -Way Gaps Acquisition (Various locations DESCRIPTION I I BENEFIT SCHEDULE CATEGORY -- - -- - - -- — .... -- — Procure right -of -way for critical non - motorized improvement projects. Locations include Bucklin Hill from Blakely to Fletcher for the Coo Bucklin project, Cave Avenue for a sidewalk, Eagle Harbor Drive at Cooper Creek for Coo Eagle Harbor— Phase i, Knetchel for a sidewalk, Wyatt between Grow and Lovell for the Wyatt Way Reconstruction Project, and adjacent to SR305 for the Sound to Olympics' Trail. The project will provide for consulting services for right -of -way outreach and negotiations, appraisals, funding purchase of real property. Additionally where the City may apply for federal funding the project will provide for an agreement with WSDOT for oversight. Safety and Non Motorized Transportation Connectivity.. TBD based on CIP programming and NMTAC input on priorities. E, GC, Tier3, Priority C PROJECT COSTS (i,000's) Year 11 Year z Year p Year r1 Year 5 Year 6. Design /permitting of ROW zoo 2�00 1 1.00 -100 100! 3.00 Construction of Sub -total $100 $1001 $100 $100 $100 $100 FUND SOURCES (i,000's) Street Fund loot loo' loo loo: loo; loo Storm Drain Fund of I STP Grant o! �- Sub-total $1001 $100,T $loo $100 $1o0! $100