The City of Bainbridge Island is undertaking a major periodic review and update i of the
Comprehensive Plan and development regulations as required by the Washington State Growth
Management Act (GMA), RCW 36.70.Ai. This Public Participation Program is required by the
GMA to describe how the City will encourage early and continuous public participation
throughout the process of reviewing and updating the Comprehensive Planii. The City must
approve the update to the Comprehensive Plan and any necessary revisions to its development
regulations by June 30, 2016. This Public Participation Program outlines the timing of the
Update process and opportunities for public participation, and provides City contact
information and web addresses. This document is a working document and will be adjusted if
needed to provide for the greatest and broadest public participation.
Overall goals of this Public Participation Program are to:
• Provide objective information to assist the public in understanding issues and solutions
related to the Comprehensive Plan itself and the Update process.
• Provide opportunities for the public to contribute ideas and provide feedback through all
phases of the Comprehensive Plan Review and Update process.
• Improve the involvement of traditionally under-represented audiences.
• Make the Update process accessible and engaging to interested participants by using a
variety of media, plain language, and easy-to-understand materials.
The City is committed to providing multiple opportunities for the public to engage in the
Update throughout the process. These public meetings will begin in the fall of 2014 and
continue through the Spring/ Summer 2016. Most meetings will be hosted by the Planning
Commission or City Council, an estimated timeline is below. The City will strive to provide one-
week notice or more on all public meetings related to the Update. The City will take advantage
of all modes of communication to inform the public and encourage their participation. A useful
graphic depiction of the process can be found in Appendix A.
Sign up on Notify Me: To be notified about meetings and all other aspects of the
Comprehensive Plan Update- Navigate Bainbridge; residents can sign up to receive email or
text notifications.
Comment: Residents can provide comment in-person to the Planning Commission, City
Council or Staff, or in writing submitted to the City by letter, email, or by posting on
Community Voice on the City website. All comments will be documented, preserved,
posted on the City website and available for public review. The record of comments will be
updated weekly.
Website: Navigate Bainbridge: 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update Project Page
Invite: Request members of the Planning Commission, City Council or City Staff to give a
presentation and take Q&A on the Comprehensive Plan Update to community groups or any
public forum.
In-Person Public Participation Opportunities
Outreach Meetings Timeline
Comprehensive Plan 101 Workshop July 22, 2014
Public Participation Plan Development September - October2014
Navigate Bainbridge Launch: Context and Vision Public Meetings November 2014
Navigate Bainbridge Scoping/ Listening Forums Winter 2015
Staff and Steering Committee Synthesize Comments & Draft Scope Winter 2015
City Council Reviews and Adopts Scope of Update Spring 2015
Planning Commission Review Spring 2015 - Winter 2016
City Council Review Winter - Summer 2016
Additional Development Regulations Review and Adoption Summer - Winter 2016
September- October 2014: Public Participation Program Development
Public meetings were held at the Planning Commission, and then City Council will provide the
public with an opportunity to provide feedback on the DRAFT Public Participation Program. The
City Council will then adopt the Public Participation Program by resolution.
November 2014: Navigate Bainbridge-Comprehensive Plan Update Launch- Setting Our
Context, Defining Our Vision
This series of meetings will be used to launch the Navigate Bainbridge process. These meetings
will be facilitated discussions that focus on creating community consensus around Bainbridge
Island’s values, while establishing the context for future discussions and envisioning our future
given the changing world we live in. The goal will be to come out of these meetings with a clear
vision and guiding principles for the updated Comprehensive Plan, and a framework for future
discussions. This series will include a minimum of two identical meetings - one at night, and one
during the day in order to allow for the greatest number of people to attend.
December 2014- March2015: Navigate Bainbridge Scoping/ Listening Forums
To help the City determine the scope of potential amendments to the Comprehensive Plan , the
public will have the opportunity to provide input specific to any of the Comprehensive Plan
elements (e.g., Land Use, Housing, Transportation, etc.) at any of six Listening/Scoping forums.
In order to better coordinate the Comprehensive Plan with the daily operations of the City, the
forums will be organized around one of the six themes:
Green, Well Planned Community
Reliable Infrastructure and Connected
Safe City
Good Governance
Healthy and Attractive
Vibrant Economy
Although each forum will focus on a specific theme, comments on any topic are welcome, with
the understanding that people will not be able to attend every meeting.
Community input from these meetings will be recorded and subsequently sorted by the
Steering Committee into the applicable Comprehensive Plan update elements for further
discussion. The public is invited to attend and participate at each meeting. Meetings may be
held at different locations to increase accessibility. The public will also have the opportunity to
submit comment on each topic area by email at, in writing at City Hall
or on the city website.
Winter 2015: City Staff and Steering Committee Synthesize Comments & Draft Scope
City staff will work with the Steering Committee to sort all public feedback into the appropriate
elements of the Comprehensive Plan. There may be elements added, changed or deleted,
depending on the input of the community, while remaining consistent with the law. This
process will be transparent for the public. The Steering Committee or City Council may create
ad hoc committees that include identified subject area experts or representatives from
stakeholder groups to focus on specific issues, as needed.
The Steering Committee may advise that work be completed to immediately address changes in
the Bainbridge Island Municipal Code (BIMC). Otherwise, the Steering Committee will place
public input related to other regulatory changes or issues that merit a larger, focused discussion
into “Temporary Moorage” (see Appendix A, Diagram of Comprehensive Plan Update Process).
After the Comprehensive Plan is updated, City staff and the Planning Commission will revisit the
items in “Temporary Moorage” to consider which of those should be placed on the work
program for public input and potential adoption by Council.
Winter – Spring 2015: City Council Reviews and Adopts Scope of Update
The City Council will consider the Steering Committee’s recommendation regarding the Scope
of the Comprehensive Plan Update and BIMC. Part of reviewing the DRAFT Scope is reviewing
the “Temporary Moorage” and the public comments submitted to date. The Council will make
any adjustments to the Scope, and formally adopt a Final Scope for the Comprehensive Plan
Spring 2015 - Winter 2016: Planning Commission Review
The Commission and City Staff will develop and draft the amendments to the Comprehensive
Plan and BIMC. At this time the public will have another opportunity to comment on the
revisions proposed. This will be an iterative process that will take place over several meetings,
including public hearings. The Planning Commission will then vote to recommend updates to
the Comprehensive Plan and BIMC to the City Council.
Winter – Summer 2016: City Council Review
The City Council will receive the Planning Commission’s recommendation, and discuss over
several public meetings. The public will be able to provide comment to the City Council on the
proposed changes at all meetings. The Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed
changes to the Plan, and then will vote to approve changes to the Plan.
Summer – Winter 2016: Development Regulation Changes Review and Approval
Some changes to the BIMC, such as change necessary to comply with the GMA, may go through
the legislative process of the Planning Commission and City Council review and approval
concurrent with the Comprehensive Plan Update. Work on an ordinance integrating the larger
changes to the BIMC, and any development regulation issues identified in the “Temporary
Moorage” tool, will begin immediately after the Comprehensive Plan Update is completed.
The overall objective of this Program is to describe how the City will engage the public during
the course of the Update process. Public participation methods and tools may vary by phase of
the Update process. This Public Participation Program may continue to be reviewed and
refined throughout the Update process, if needed. The City will take advantage of all modes of
communication to engage the public. Public outreach will consist of in-person outreach efforts,
traditional media and advertising, and outreach efforts utilizing technology and social media.
Public meetings shall be noticed as far in advance as possible, and the City shall strive to
provide a minimum of one week notice.
In-person Outreach methods
• In-person presentations at group meetings, i.e. School Board or Parent Teacher
Association meetings
• Ferry – video ad screen, voice over announcement with table on ferry
Traditional media and advertising
• Press releases to local papers, blogs and newsletters
• Utilize community organization email lists, newsletters and social media
• Flyering for meeting events
• Bainbridge Community Broadcasting
• Periodic columns in the Bainbridge Island Review
• School District Communication Networks
• Town and Country Reader Board
• Send emails to current City email listservs, volunteer lists and citizen advisory groups
Technology and Social media
• City Website
• Background information, existing Comprehensive Plan, useful weblinks to planning
resources, and materials prepared for public meetings should be available to the public
on the City’s Navigate Bainbridge: Comprehensive Plan Update project webpage. Hard
copies will also be available in a designated Comprehensive Plan Update Resource Area at
City Hall
• Notify Me – There is a listserv for the public to sign up for Navigate Bainbridge:
Comprehensive Plan Update
• Press releases related to Comprehensive Plan and Update process
• Posting Comprehensive Plan and Update events and meetings to the calendar on the
City website
• Community Voice: an online portal allowing for the community to engage in discussion
about the comp plan
• Online Survey Tool
• City Facebook page
• Posting Update events, meetings, and stories related to Council, committees, and City
• Facebook and email groups
• Island moms, Bainbridge Islanders, Bainbridge-Open Community, Radio Free Bainbridge
• Twitter
• Weekly City Manager Update
The Navigate Bainbridge Steering Committee was created by the City Council on August 18,
2014 to guide and oversee the Comprehensive Plan Update process. The Steering Committee
provides guidance to staff on how the update process is organized, and will make
recommendations on process and policies to the Planning Commission and City Council . The
Steering Committee is comprised of three Planning Commissioners and three City
City Councilmembers
Anne Blair
Val Tollefson (Committee Chair)
Sarah Blossom
Planning Commissioners
Mike Lewars
Mack Pearl
Maradel Gale
The City of Bainbridge Island Planning Commission (Commission), is comprised of 7 volunteer
members appointed by the City Council, and is the steward of the Comprehensive Plan. In this
role, the Commission provides independent and objective recommendations to the City
Departments and City Council on broad planning goals, policies, and plans for the development
of Bainbridge Island. The Commission focuses on issues that shape Bainbridge Island, such as
land use, transportation, housing, and environmental policy.
The Planning Commission will be involved throughout the process and will provide
recommendations and comments to the City Council. Three Planning Commissioners are on the
Navigate Bainbridge Steering Committee, and the Planning Commission members will be
involved in hosting and facilitating six public listening sessions desi gned to gather citizen input
on the scope of the update of the Bainbridge Island Comprehensive Plan. The Commissioners
will consider the public input from the scoping forums to craft draft amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan, and a list of potential development code amendments. Finally, the
Commission will host public hearings to invite public comment on the draft amendments. After
closing the public hearing, the Commission will prepare a final set of recommendations for the
City Council on amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, and a list of potential code revisions
for consideration in the fall of 2016.
As the final decision makers on all aspects of the Comprehensive Plan Update, it is important
that the City Council receive regular communications from the Planning Commission on all
aspects of the Update process. The Council will schedule periodic joint meetings with the
Planning Commission at several points in the overall process. This fall, the City Council will
adopt the final public participation program by resolution and meet jointly with the Planning
Commission to review and consider changes to the overarching Comprehensive Plan Vision and
Principles. This winter, the Council will assist the Planning Commission in listening to public
input at six scoping meetings. After the Commission synthesizes the scoping input, they will
craft potential plan amendments for review and public comment during 2015 and into 2016.
The Council will receive the Planning Commission’s final recommended amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan and a list of potential development regulation revisions in 2016.The
Council will take action on the Comprehensive Plan update by June 30, 2016.
To submit written comments: ;; 280
Madison Ave. N
To submit questions or comments over the phone: Jennifer Sutton, Special Project Planner,
To sign-up for Notify Me-Navigate Bainbridge:
To engage in a discussion on Community Voice:
For more information on the process:
Twitter @cityofbi,
To sign-up for the City Manager Report:
To arrange to have a presentation at your community meeting: Kellie Stickney, or 206.780.3741
i RCW 36.70A. (2)(a) Each county and city shall establish and broadly disseminate to the
public a public participation program consistent with RCW 36.70A.035 and 36.70A.140 that
identifies procedures and schedules whereby updates, proposed amendments, or revisions of
the comprehensive plan are considered by the governing body of the county or city no more
frequently than once every year, except that, until December 31, 2015, the program shall
provide for consideration of amendments of an urban growth area in accordance with RCW
36.70A.1301 once every year. "Updates" means to review and revise, if needed, according
to subsection (1) of this section, and the deadlines in subsections (4) and (5) of this section or in
accordance with the provisions of subsection (6) of this section. Amendments may be
considered more frequently than once per year under the following circumstances:
ii RCW 36.70.A.130(5) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (6) and (8) of this section,
following the review of comprehensive plans and development regulations required by
subsection (4) of this section, counties and cities shall take action to review and, if needed,
revise their comprehensive plans and development regulations to ensure the plan and
regulations comply with the requirements of this chapter as follows.
The City of Bainbridge Island is undertaking a major periodic review and update i of the
Comprehensive Plan and development regulations as required by the Washington State Growth
Management Act (GMA), RCW 36.70.Ai. This Public Participation Program is required by the
GMA to describe how the City will encourage early and continuous public participation
throughout the process of reviewing and updating the Comprehensive Planii. The City must
approve the update to the Comprehensive Plan and any necessary revisions to its development
regulations by June 30, 2016. This Public Participation Program outlines the timing of the
Update process and opportunities for public participation, and provides City contact
information and web addresses. This document is a working document and will be adjusted if
needed to provide for the greatest and broadest public participation.
Overall goals of this Public Participation Program are to:
• Provide objective information to assist the public in understanding issues and solutions
related to the Comprehensive Plan itself and the Update process.
• Provide opportunities for the public to contribute ideas and provide feedback through all
phases of the Comprehensive Plan Review and Update process.
• Improve the involvement of traditionally under-represented audiences.
• Make the Update process accessible and engaging to interested participants by using a
variety of media, plain language, and easy-to-understand materials.
The City is committed to providing multiple opportunities for the public to engage in the
Update throughout the process. These public meetings will begin in the fall of 2014 and
continue through the Spring/ Summer 2016. Most meetings will be hosted b y the Planning
Commission or City Council, an estimated timeline is below. The City will strive to provide one-
week notice or more on all public meetings related to the Update. The City will take advantage
of all modes of communication to inform the public and encourage their participation. A useful
graphic depiction of the process can be found in Appendix A.
Sign up on Notify Me: To be notified about meetings and all other aspects of the
Comprehensive Plan Update- Navigate Bainbridge; residents can sign up to receive email or
text notifications.
Comment: Residents can provide comment in-person to the Planning Commission, City
Council or Staff, or in writing submitted to the City by letter, email, or by posting on
Community Voice on the City website. All comments will be documented, preserved,
posted on the City website and available for public review. The record of comments will be
updated weekly.
Website: Navigate Bainbridge: 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update Project Page
Invite: Request members of the Planning Commission, City Council or City Staff to give a
presentation and take Q&A on the Comprehensive Plan Update to community groups or any
public forum.
In-Person Public Participation Opportunities
Outreach Meetings Timeline
Comprehensive Plan 101 Workshop July 22, 2014
Public Participation Plan Development September - October2014
Navigate Bainbridge Launch: Context and Vision Public Meetings November 2014
Navigate Bainbridge Scoping/ Listening Forums Dec. 2014 – March 2015
Staff and Steering Committee Synthesize Comments & Draft Scope Winter 2015
City Council Reviews and Adopts Scope of Update Winter - Spring 2015
Planning Commission Review Spring 2015 - Winter 2016
City Council Review Winter - Summer 2016
Additional Development Regulations Review and Adoption Summer - Winter 2016
September- October 2014: Public Participation Program Development
Public meetings were held at the Planning Commission, and then City Council will provide the
public with an opportunity to provide feedback on the DRAFT Public Participation Program. The
City Council will then adopt the Public Participation Program by resolution.
November 2014: Navigate Bainbridge-Comprehensive Plan Update Launch- Setting Our
Context, Defining Our Vision
This series of meetings will be used to launch the Navigate Bainbridge process. These meetings
will be facilitated discussions that focus on creating community consensus around Bainbridge
Island’s values, while establishing the context for future discussions and envisioning our future
given the changing world we live in. The goal will be to come out of these meetings with a clear
vision and guiding principles for the updated Comprehensive Plan, and a framework for future
discussions. This series will include a minimum of two identical meetings - one at night, and one
during the day in order to allow for the greatest number of people to attend.
December 2014- March2015: Navigate Bainbridge Scoping/ Listening Forums
To help the City determine the scope of potential amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, the
public will have the opportunity to provide input specific to any of the Comprehensive Plan
elements (e.g., Land Use, Housing, Transportation, etc.) at any of six Listening/Scoping forums.
In order to better coordinate the Comprehensive Plan with the daily operations of the City, the
forums will be organized around one of the six themes:
Green, Well Planned Community
Reliable Infrastructure and Connected
Safe City
Good Governance
Healthy and Attractive
Vibrant Economy
Although each forum will focus on a specific theme, comments on any topic are welcome, with
the understanding that people will not be able to attend every meeting.
Community input from these meetings will be recorded and subsequently sorted by the
Steering Committee into the applicable Comprehensive Plan update elements for further
discussion. The public is invited to attend and participate at each meeting. Meetings may be
held at different locations to increase accessibility. The public will also have the opportunity to
submit comment on each topic area by email at, in writing at City Hall
or on the city website.
Winter 2015: City Staff and Steering Committee Synthesize Comments & Draft Scope
City staff will work with the Steering Committee to sort all public feedback into the appropriate
elements of the Comprehensive Plan. There may be elements added, changed or deleted,
depending on the input of the community, while remaining consistent with the law. This
process will be transparent for the public. The Steering Committee or City Council may create
ad hoc committees that include identified subject area experts or representatives from
stakeholder groups to focus on specific issues, as needed.
The Steering Committee may advise that work be completed to immediately address changes in
the Bainbridge Island Municipal Code (BIMC). Otherwise, the Steering Committee will place
public input related to other regulatory changes or issues that merit a lar ger, focused discussion
into “Temporary Moorage” (see Appendix XX, Diagram of Comprehensive Plan Update
Process). After the Comprehensive Plan is updated, City staff and the Planning Commission will
revisit the items in “Temporary Moorage” to consider which of those should be placed on the
work program for public input and potential adoption by Council.
Winter – Spring 2015: City Council Reviews and Adopts Scope of Update
The City Council will consider the Steering Committee’s recommendation regarding the Scope
of the Comprehensive Plan Update and BIMC. Part of reviewing the DRAFT Scope is reviewing
the “Temporary Moorage” and the public comments submitted to date. The Council will make
any adjustments to the Scope, and formally adopt a Final Scope for the Comprehensive Plan
Spring 2015 - Winter 2016: Planning Commission Review
The Commission and City Staff will develop and draft the amendments to the Comprehensive
Plan and BIMC. At this time the public will have another opportunity to comment on the
revisions proposed. This will be an iterative process that will take place over several meetings,
including public hearings. The Planning Commission will then vote to recommend updates to
the Comprehensive Plan and BIMC to the City Council.
Winter – Summer 2016: City Council Review
The City Council will receive the Planning Commission’s recommendation, and discuss over
several public meetings. The public will be able to provide comment to the City Council on the
proposed changes at all meetings. The Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed
changes to the Plan, and then will vote to approve changes to the Plan.
Summer – Winter 2016: Development Regulation Changes Review and Approval
Some changes to the BIMC, such as change necessary to comply with the GMA, may go through
the legislative process of the Planning Commission and City Council review and approval
concurrent with the Comprehensive Plan Update. Work on an ordinance integrating the larger
changes to the BIMC, and any development regulation issues identified in the “Temporary
Moorage” tool, will begin immediately after the Comprehensive Plan Update is completed .
The overall objective of this Program is to describe how the City will engage the public during
the course of the Update process. Public participation methods and tools may vary by phase of
the Update process. This Public Participation Program may continue to be reviewed and
refined throughout the Update process, if needed. The City will take advantage of all modes of
communication to engage the public. Public outreach will consist of in-person outreach efforts,
traditional media and advertising, and outreach efforts utilizing technology and social media.
Public meetings shall be noticed as far in advance as possible, and the City shall strive to
provide a minimum of one week notice.
In-person Outreach methods
• In-person presentations at group meetings, i.e. School Board or Parent Teacher
Association meetings
• Ferry – video ad screen, voice over announcement with table on ferry
Traditional media and advertising
• Press releases to local papers, blogs and newsletters
• Utilize community organization email lists, newsletters and social media
• Flyering for meeting events
• Bainbridge Community Broadcasting
• Periodic columns in the Bainbridge Island Review
• School District Communication Networks
• Town and Country Reader Board
• Send emails to current City email listservs, volunteer lists and citizen advisory groups
Technology and Social media
• City Website
• Background information, existing Comprehensive Plan, useful weblinks to planning
resources, and materials prepared for public meetings should be available to the public
on the City’s Navigate Bainbridge: Comprehensive Plan Update project webpage. Hard
copies will also be available in a designated Comprehensive Plan Update Resource Area at
City Hall
• Notify Me – There is a listserv for the public to sign up for Navigate Bainbridge:
Comprehensive Plan Update
• Press releases related to Comprehensive Plan and Update process
• Posting Comprehensive Plan and Update events and meetings to the calendar on the
City website
• Community Voice: an online portal allowing for the community to engage in discussion
about the comp plan
• Online Survey Tool
• City Facebook page
• Posting Update events, meetings, and stories related to Council, committees, and City
• Facebook and email groups
• Island moms, Bainbridge Islanders, Bainbridge-Open Community, Radio Free Bainbridge
• Twitter
• Weekly City Manager Update
The Navigate Bainbridge Steering Committee was created by the City Council on August 18,
2014 to guide and oversee the Comprehensive Plan Update process. The Steering Committee
provides guidance to staff on how the update process is organized, and will make
recommendations on process and policies to the Planning Commission and City Council. The
Steering Committee is comprised of three Planning Commissioners and three City
City Councilmembers
Anne Blair
Val Tollefson (Committee Chair)
Sarah Blossom
Planning Commissioners
Mike Lewars
Mack Pearl
Maradel Gale
The City of Bainbridge Island Planning Commission (Commission), is comprised of 7 volunteer
members appointed by the City Council, and is the steward of the Comprehensive Plan. I n this
role, the Commission provides independent and objective recommendations to the City
Departments and City Council on broad planning goals, policies, and plans for the development
of Bainbridge Island. The Commission focuses on issues that shape Bainbridge Island, such as
land use, transportation, housing, and environmental policy.
The Planning Commission will be involved throughout the process and will provide
recommendations and comments to the City Council. Three Planning Commissioners are on the
Navigate Bainbridge Steering Committee, and the Planning Commission members will be
involved in hosting and facilitating six public listening sessions designed to gather citizen input
on the scope of the update of the Bainbridge Island Comprehensive Plan. The Commissioners
will consider the public input from the scoping forums to craft draft amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan, and a list of potential development code amendments. Finally, the
Commission will host public hearings to invite public comment on the draft amendments. After
closing the public hearing, the Commission will prepare a final set of recommendations for the
City Council on amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, and a list of potential code revisions
for consideration in the fall of 2016.
As the final decision makers on all aspects of the Comprehensive Plan Update, it is important
that the City Council receive regular communications from the Planning Commission on all
aspects of the Update process. The Council will schedule periodic joint meetings with the
Planning Commission at several points in the overall process. This fall, the City Council will
adopt the final public participation program by resolution and meet jointly with the Planni ng
Commission to review and consider changes to the overarching Comprehensive Plan Vision and
Principles. This winter, the Council will assist the Planning Commission in listening to public
input at six scoping meetings. After the Commission synthesizes the scoping input, they will
craft potential plan amendments for review and public comment during 2015 and into 2016.
The Council will receive the Planning Commission’s final recommended amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan and a list of potential development regulation revisions in 2016.The
Council will take action on the Comprehensive Plan update by June 30, 2016.
To submit written comments: ;; 280
Madison Ave. N
To submit questions or comments over the phone: Jennifer Sutton, Special Project Planner,
To sign-up for Notify Me-Navigate Bainbridge:
To engage in a discussion on Community Voice:
For more information on the process:
Twitter @cityofbi,
To sign-up for the City Manager Report:
To arrange to have a presentation at your community meeting: Kellie Stickney, or 206.780.3741
i RCW 36.70A. (2)(a) Each county and city shall establish and broadly disseminate to the
public a public participation program consistent with RCW 36.70A.035 and 36.70A.140 that
identifies procedures and schedules whereby updates, proposed amendments, or revisions of
the comprehensive plan are considered by the governing body of the county or city no more
frequently than once every year, except that, until December 31, 2015, the program shall
provide for consideration of amendments of an urban growth area in accordance with RCW
36.70A.1301 once every year. "Updates" means to review and revise, if needed, according
to subsection (1) of this section, and the deadlines in subsections (4) and (5) of this section or in
accordance with the provisions of subsection (6) of this section. Amendments may be
considered more frequently than once per year under the following circumstances:
ii RCW 36.70.A.130(5) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (6) and (8) of this section,
following the review of comprehensive plans and development regulations required by
subsection (4) of this section, counties and cities shall take action to review and, if needed,
revise their comprehensive plans and development regulations to ensure the plan and
regulations comply with the requirements of this chapter as follows.
2015 Winter
Members of the public are encouraged to submit
letters or emails about the scope of the update to
the Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) and/or
Development Regulations (the Code). The final
adopted “Scope” determines which topics or issues
will be heard and considered by the City for
potential adoption as Plan or Code amendments.
Commenters should identify which Plan elements
(e.g., land use, transportation, etc.) or Code
sections are most relevant. Each written comment
will be numbered as part of the record considered
by the Planning Commission and Council.
Issues the PLAN now addresses,
but inadequately, and why
Issues the PLAN does not address
but should, how and why
Issues the CODE now addresses
but inadequately, and why
Issues the CODE does not
address but should, how and why
In addition to the opportunity to submit
written comments about the scope of
the Update, people may also offer oral
comments about the Plan or the Code at
hosted and facilitated by the Planning
Commission and City Council.
The forums are an opportunity for
people to hear each others’ comments
and for Council and Commission
members to ask clarifying questions.
Opportunities for early and continuous public participation in the Update process
A Steering Committee of 3 City Council
Members and 3 Planning Commissioners
will review all the written and oral public
comment regarding the proposed scope of
amendments to the Plan and Code.
The Committee will sift and sort the
written and oral comments into three
categories, and forward their
recommendation about the final scope of
the Plan and Code update to the City
Council for its consideration.
PLAN and CODE issues that
should be included in the Scope
PLAN and CODE issues that
should NOT be included
PLAN or CODE issues that should
go into “temporary moorage” for
subsequent consideration
2014 Fall
Make comments at any of Six
Scoping and Listening Forums
Submit written comments to
the City at any time
Committee deliberation will
occur at public meeting(s)
Planning Commission, staff and
consultant draft amendatory PLAN
and CODE language pursuant to
Final Scope
Planning Commission conducts public
hearings on the draft proposed amendments
to the Comprehensive Plan and any proposed
draft amendments to the Development Code.
Public Comment is invited in writing and
orally at every public hearing. As with
scoping comments, each substantive
comment will be numbered and become part
of the record.
City Council will conduct periodic joint
meetings with the Planning Commission to
review progress and provide any needed
feedback for consideration by the public and
planning commission.
City Council receives
final package of
makes any
adjustments and by
Ordinance adopts
amendments to the
Plan and Code
2016 Winter Spring Summer
Adoption of the Final Scope, drafting amendments and ongoing Public Comment
2015 Winter Spring Summer Fall
City Council meets
jointly with the
Commission to
review items in
Temporary Moorage
City Council decides
which items from
Temporary Moorage
should be put on the
Planning Commission
work program for the
coming six months
City Council receives
the Committee’s
regarding the SCOPE of
the update to the
City Council makes any
adjustments it deems
appropriate and
adopts Final Scope
Council may decide
to appoint Ad Hoc
Committees to
assist with the
drafting of
language for items
in the Final Scope
This list is comprised of different Bainbridge Island groups that the City will attempt to engage with during
the Comprehensive Update process. This list is meant to be a working document, and was last updated on
October 28, 2014. Contact Community Engagement Specialist Kellie Stickney to add any community groups
to this list: or 206-780-3741.
Design Review Board
Environmental Technical Advisory Committee
Harbor Commission
Historic Preservation Commission
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Non-motorized Transportation Advisory Committee
Planning Commission
Road Ends Committee
Utility Advisory Committee
Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council
Arts and Humanities Council
Association of Bainbridge Communities
Bainbridge Business Women
Bainbridge Community Foundation
Bainbridge Youth Services
BI Downtown Association
BI Farmers Market
BI Historical Society
BI Japanese American Exclusion Memorial Org.
BI Land Trust
BI Senior Community Center
BI Sportsmen’s Club
BI Watershed Council
Boys and Girls Club of BI
Chamber of Commerce
Environmental Bainbridge
Friends of the Farms
Grow Community
Habitat for Humanity of Kitsap County
Helpline House
Housing Resources Board
Interfaith Council
Islanders for Responsible Development
Island Volunteer Caregivers
Kiwanis Club
League of Women Voters
Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island
Sakai Villages Homeowner Association
Sierra Club
Squeaky Wheels Bicycle Club
Sustainable Bainbridge
Winslow Cohousing Group
Youth Athletic Leagues
Public and Private Schools
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
Bainbridge Island Metro Park and Recreation
Kitsap Transit
Kitsap Public Utility District
Sewer District 7
Kitsap Public Health District
Puget Sound Regional Council
Bainbridge Public Library
Kitsap County
Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council