RES 52-01 ELIMINATION OF INTERSECTION THE STATE OF WASHIfiGTON Legislntu~e' s Interim Committee on Highways Meetlr~ in session at Port Or~hsr.ds Washington, June 90s 1~5~ A R~SO~ION of ~e To~ Co~oll or the Ton er Wlnslows Washington~ ~esti~ oonsldo~,~tlon e~lmination of inte~seotion of State Hi~wa~ ~I-A with Winslow Wa~ In the Tow of W~nsl~ in u~ oontemplat~ ~tu~ imp~ovemnt e~ oo~tmotion p~snn~ rot State Highway 21-A. ~EREAS,hea, t~f~IQ ~om the Seattle-Bainb~idge Ysland ~er,y ~e~lts In unsafe t~f~c congestion ~d eonfiasion at the oblige intenseorion of State Hilly ~I-A (Oldpie Way) a~ W~nslow Way, ~d ~A8, the t~frlo oongestion at said lnte~section e~eatea a haza~ when ~i~e tmcks ~spondi~ to em~gency ~st e~oss snob t~srFIo when leaving the binbridge I81~d Voluntee~ Fi~ ~pa~tment fi~e hall situated at said inte~eeQ- tion, and ~EH~AS, vehioula~ and tmok t~fFio waiting For ~e~ sexylee nt ti~es extends into ~d beyond the p~sent into,section, a~ ~HFA8, ~e open~ of the new State Highway the Aga~e Pass B~dge to ~ene s Cove will ~ther lnorease travel ~o end f~ the Winslow fer~ temlnal, ~d ~E~AS, it Is hoped t~at the new seerion of State Highway wll~ be onntln~ed f~om ~ene s Cove to Winslow du~ing the ne~ bie~is: NOW; THE~EFORE~ B~ IT RESOLVED by the Tea Co~neil Or the To~ of Winslow, Washi~ton, as followsx ~at the Legisinglass Interim C~ittee on Hi~wa~s of ~he 8ta~e of Washington be petitlnned to oonsider the eliml~- tion of the existing interseotion of State Hlgh.~ay 21-A with W~nsIow Wa~ in ~ Town o~ Winslow b~ ~he oons~ion o~ ~n underpess o~ o~heP fo~ of ~rede sepePe~ton In en~ oon~empln~ed ~tuTe plenn~.~ of Imp~vement oP oonstm~tion b~ the ~t~te Ht~we7 Dep~Ttment. PASS~ b~ the Co~otl or the To~ of Winslow, Wash- Ington, and eppPoved by its Ma~oP t~s lVth de~ of J~e, 1957. TOWN OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON ATTEST Town Cle?k