RES 52-03 TRANSFER OF 1952 BUDGET ALLOCATIONS · iI$OLU~ZO! of the ~mm ~mmeil cf the ~o~n of Vinslow~ lkshin~:ton, ~reVid]~ fer t~er or ~9~ ~et ~1o~ ttons. ~S. t~ ~ ~ for 19~2 e~it~es of ~et7 Xo~ ~ ~u~r~ ~e pre~us is not s~ficien~ to ~ t~so ~to~ ~onsos for the ~, ~ ~S, t~ ~elhtion of t~ ~et7 bo~ ~s~er d~ to ~siptien. restted in re~ cr~t~ to the T~ts ~A accost, a~ ~, s~ re~, when tden as ~, ~oate4 fer dis~semt, ~ ~, t~ Ao~ tern ate appli~ble p~si~s ~asione4 by ~siptioas ~ f~ of the Ta~s b~M~ errleers ~t~ ~ incrase in cost not ~tici~t~ at the tin ~, t~ preens ~bls for 2tats ~uetri~ ~ ~i~ Ai4 ~ been in~se4, on rec~tion of i~ 2~ttee, t~ t~ use ~ a sore realistic hou~ s~e~e fer the ~a ~r~/2reet ~perint~ent wM is ~, t~re ~e s~ficiea~ f~s in ot~r ~tegories t~ ~r~t ~ense ~ b~et; NOW, T~, BE l~ ~ b7 t~ ~ of 1~sl~, Vash~ton, as f~lm: ~t ~he b~eSed it~ sbs, ~soc~tiom of ks~toA CitiesI be ~d~ed ~ the u~t of $~eO0, ~ ~kt the b~eSH it~ ~r~bi~ ~ ~li~i~u be redu~ fht t~ m ~s~tt~ from t~se re~tio~ ite~ ~ t~fer~d aM ~it~ to the b~ted it~ sI~e · o~ls, all ~ vhi~ items a~ ~'~the C~re~ ~nse 1'~ atom b~ the Cramell ef the 2e~m of Wl~slov, Nashington, ~ appr~ its ~r t~s Jth ~y ~ A~st, 1~. ~ovn Clerk