RES 52-04 LEGAL COUNSELA "xs~O.T.,17~'tOi ef the ~ovt Oouctl of the ~ovA of Winelove
Washington, providing for employing ~ oowasel for services
conecries with the deletes of lawsuit instigated by the N. C,
Jmzen Drilling & Maaafacttring Coa~any for alleged money die:
WI~, the Costoil has dealei responsibility for the
aao~uat of the pa~ent claimed owing by the 1~. C. Janrosen Drilling &
Maa~act~riag Coapaa3~, a~
WHIRlAS, 2~amons and Complaint were serve& on the Tows
September 2~, 1952, and
WHIREAS, it is the duty of the Comaoil to employ leg~xl
cotuaael to protect the interests of the citizens of the Tow~ in said
action, a~
WTmq~aAS, provision has previously been made to permit pay-
sent for legal services from budgeted ftu~s2
NOW, Tt~OI~, B] IT I~SOLVED by the Tows Ce--~-il of the
To~A of Winslow, Washington, as follows:
That Bd~nxad Stafford, attorney at law, residing in Fit sap
Co~xnty, State of Washington, be and he is hereby rotmind to perform
the services above set forth, a~d as compensation therefor the Tows
agrees to pay an souat not to exceed $1,500.00 for carrying the
defense of the action brought against the Tows to a fiml conclusion.
In addition to the above, the Council hereby authorizes
the payment of Court costs and witness fees in cornsection with said
litigation in an amount not to exceed $200.00.
pAS.~mn by the Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington
aM approved by its Mayor this ~day of