RES 52-08 SURVEY OF TOWN PROPERTY · xnaSOL~IOI of the Te~n Council of the ~own c~ Wlnsl~, ~shi~ton, pro~ for the ~u~ ~ the ~ o~7 on whl~ ~ost ~lo No, 1 is lo~to~, ~, t~ Coucil 18 o~erod by law to acq~re estate as mF be ~eosmry or p~or for ~ei~ p~oses, ~, tl~lo ~s been acq~red to ~ht ~rcol of which ~ost Kole No, 1 is loire4, ~ ~, It is 40~ p~or to establi~ the ll~ts pretty by ~e~, ~ ~, s~oy cr~s ~e nov ~~ ~oi~ property ~i~ it o~o41e~ eeono~ally t~t tM wo~ be authoris~ at ~0 ~~, ~ IT ~SO~ b7 the T~ C~il of the ~ o~ Wind~, ~s~ton, as ~oll~si ~t the ~i~ of ~" "~ be authoriae~ to eetabli~ m~s to defi~ tM bo~les of the pr~orty by ~he T~ ~rom ~ ~ ~bolle ~e~ a~ conveyed by f~t t~ ~4r~ for s~h se~ces ~s been m~t~l~ te in the ~t of $~0.00, ~ ht ~e are a~ilable in t~ Water Cens~mctien ~nt ~ su~ ~ges. P~ by the C~il of t~ ~ of linel~, aM apprmA by its ~or t~s ~ of 1~2 ~e · fesen Clerk