A RESCLIITION of the Town Council of the Town of Winslow,
Washington, providing authority for installation at the expense
of the property owner of culvert across North Madison Road and
• diverting of drainage water.
V,'HEREA,S, petition has been made by Mr. Nick Bucsit to divert the
surplus water from drainage ditches on RTOrth A~adison Road, and
WHI~;RR,TAS, the value resulting from the project has been declared
and outline of the proposal made in specific detail by letter dated
December 9, 1952 from the gitsap County Soil Conservation District signed
by C. M. Hochhaus, Chairman;
NOW, T~~'ORE, BE IT RESQL by the Town Council of the Town
of Winslow, as follows:
That authority is hereby granted for the installation of a
12-.ir_ch can.crete culvert across bTorth Madison Road at a point approximately
1,200 feet south of the intersection of said street and the County Road
and known as the High School Corner, and
That such installation shall be made by the Town and under the
supervision of the Street and Roads Committee, and
That such work to be paid for by the property owner, bor. Nick
Bucsit, on the basis of. actual cost plus IO~, and
That work shall commence when a deposit has been received in
the amount of $ /'00,~ which amount shall be considered as a
deposit to apply on the actual cost plus 10~, with any difference between
the cost and deposit to be paid. to the party to whom it is due, and
That the property owner shall furnish the Town at the time of
offering the required deposit a bond holding the Town free from all
liability and~or damage resulting front the diversion of the drainage
water referred to above, and
That Mr. Nick Bucsit be advised of the Town Councils favor-
able action on his petition by letter .with a copy of this Resolution
made to become a part thereof.
_. _..
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PASSED by the Co ~ ill of the Town of Winslow, Washington, and
approved by its Mayor this day o , 195•
Ey - dro~-~it~
Clerk ~~
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~C`ut G~au~ sal G~a~rd~t~~ ~ . .
P. O. ®OX Y18
PHONE B-2111
December 9, 1962
Bar. Edmund Stafford, City of Winslow Atty.
Box 680
port Blakely, Washington
Dear E'r. Stafford=
The supervisor of the $itsap County Soil Conservation District
hope that you can give Dir. Nick Bucsit every consideration possible..
with regards to the matter of the City of Winslow allowing him to divert
the surplus water flowing in-the ditch on the west side of the road, ~44,
to the reservoir he hay constructed. As we understand the situation
Mr. Bucsit will pay the cost to the City of placing a 12" concr®t® the
and®r the road; that he will have the work done by the road department of
the City of Winslow according to the specification of the city.
This winter run off xater is needed by Mr. Bucsit to help fill
his resexwoir as he has a very small watershed to draw from. This aotion
by the city will help the city in that it will divert a portion of the
run off water in the ditch from running dawn the ditch-along the road
through the city and into the bay. This run off wat®r, if saved by Yr.
Bucsit will help the agriculturei in the county and the business in your
city by making it possible fcr Mr. Bucsit to irrigate his berries and
provide agricultural employm®nt.
The proposed poin of diversion will be approximately 1200 feet
south of the Sec. Com. 22 23 T. 26 N. R. 2E. if. M. Elsolosed is a map
of the area. 27 ~'
Thanks for your consideration.
Yours truly
C. M ~Hoahhaus, Chairman
Kitsap County BCD
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