RES 53-10 MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING A ~{SOLUTIOE of the Town Council of the To~m of Winslow,
W~shin~.~ton authorizing the execution of a ~iunicipal Water Pu~in~
Power contr~ct with the t~et Sound Po~.~er & Light Company,
WHEP~?~S, the Pu~?e~ Sound Po~e.r & Light Company ~-'~s submitted a
writte'~ contract to furnish power for the requirements of the To~mts water
~ystem, and
WHEPJIaS, said contract is s~plemented to provide tPnt the Pugst
SoU.~d Po~cr i Light Cor~?sr~ wi!? furnish the required transformers on a
rental basis,
WHER~S, the contract and tenth1, agreement specify in detail the
~eriod of the contract, which is five yeasts, the applicable power rate and
the transformer rental ch~,rge;
NOW, TEPL~ORE, BE IT P~ESOLVED by the To~n Council of the Town of
Winslow, as follows:
That the contract submitted b.v the Pu~et Sound Power' & Light
~', ~D, n'~ and ~eferred to above be accepted.
That the Mayor is herebF authorized to st~n said contract in the
mame of the To~n of Winslow.
PASS~n by the Council o~' the Town of Winslow, Washln~ten, and
approved br? its ],~2,~or this !7th day of Februsr~, 1953.
· Clerk