RES 53-11 WATER REVENUE BOND A KESOLUTION of the Town Council of the Town of Winslow, Waahin~ton, provtdiX2 for the sale of $100,000.00 Water B~von~e Bonds of the Ton of Winslow. ~aS, by special election om ada~st 16, 1951, the sleetors of the Town of Winslow authorize~[ the insnee of $100,000.00 of Water Revenue Bombs for the constrmction of a water system, and W~, the firm of Matcalf & Thompson of 2eattle, Wash- inkton have offers& to purchase said issue on a stipBlate& NOW, TNw~EFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town C~uaoil of the Towx of Viaslow, as follows: That the Town of Winslow accepts the bid of Matcalf & Thompson to purchase the insroe of $100,000.00 of Water Bsve~nts 3onds of the Town of Winslow. That the p~r~h~se price shall be That the bonds ,~11 bear an interest rate of That the Town reserves the option to redeem all or amy in~ bonds after the first six (6) years. That tide acceptance is smbJect to approval by the Town as to form only of the confirmin~ bid to be submitted by Metcalf & Thompson. pa~-_~mn ~INANIMOUSLY by the Council of the Town of Winslow, Washin~tom and approve~ by its Mayor this 1Oth day of March, 1953. Attest: