RES 53-12 L & I MEDICAL AID PAYMENTS A I~SOLUTION of the Tewn Co~il of the Town of Winslow, Washin~ton, establishin~ the basis for payment to the State of Waehix~ton, Department of Iaxbor and Industries of industrial insuran~o and medical aid premiums. WI~S, it is provided by law that the Town must nm~O payment the State of Washi~ton Department of labor and Industries for industrial insurance and medical aid coverage for specified classes and types of labor, and, W~S, the positions of Town Narshal and Street Superintendent are included in sucl cate~oxT, a~d WI~, these positions are not considered full time work, but the case of Narshal .subject to call tventy-fo~r hours a day se~en days a week, and R~.xS, the insurance and medical aid premiums are required to. be paid on ~ hourly baste2 NOW, TR~0RE, ~E IT KES0t~ED by the Town Council of the Town Winslow, as followsz That for the purpose of determinir~ the basis for the payment State Isdustrlal Insurance and State Medical Aid only, the position of Narahal ~ll be considered as a~ply co~ered on l~ent of four hours per d~ on a seven da~ weekly That the position of Street 2~erintendent s~l be considered as amply covered on pa~ent of ei~Jxt hours per da~ for fi~e d~s per week. PASRED by the 0ouau~il of the Tob'n of Winslow, Wa~_~n~ton, and approved by its ~ayor this 17th da~ of ~arch, 1~. Atteet: