RES 53-13 PUGET SOUND POWER COMPANY CONTRACT ~ RIS0tU~ION of the Town Council 'el the Town of Winslow, Washin~ton, &uthorisin~ the ,x,cution of x contract with the Pu~et 2ound Power & tight Oompany for furniahin~ municipal street li~htin~ earvice. W~, the l~et Sound Power & Light Ccmpn~_v has offered a contract to furnish street llKhtin~ service for a period of five (~) y~ars at rates the same as prssutly paid under contract dated October 7. 19~7. ~BII3AS, the proseat contract will expire on March 31. NOW, TH~0RI, BX IT ~.S0tV~D by the Town Council of the ~owa of Winsleo. as folleosz Tl~t the contract for municipal street lightin~ service the i~et Sound Peoer & Light Company and the Town of Winslow, presents& b~ the Pu~et Sound Power & tight Compan~ by their letter &ated Narch 1~3 be executed by the Ra~or in tl~ me of aM on behalf of the Town of Winsleo. P~SE by the Council of ths Town of Winsleo, Washington, approved by its Na~or this l?th da~ of March, 1~3. Atte~: