RES 53-15 STAFFORD'S ADDITION A ]tZSOX~TXO! of the ~o~ Oouncil of the Towa of Winelow, Washington, authorizing acceptance of the plat of Starlorries Mdition to Wiaslow. If~, the platting of that area formerly referred to as the Housing Fro Jeer was appreved by the Council February 17, 19~3, and M~, the completed subdivision plat is now of record aM copy filed with the town; NOW, THEP~OI~E, ~. IT tLE$OLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Winslow, as follows: That Staffstales Addition to Winslow, located in 2overnment T.Ot ~, Section 26, Township 2~ North, ~ange 2 ~ast, W.M., F~ttsap 0ountT, be accepted as subdivided, including dedication cf streets and s~r ~ ~J~ easements, and become a part of the plat of the Town of Winslow. PAS~~e.~ by the Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington, and approved by its Mayor this 7th day of April, 19~3. Attest: