RES 53-17 CANCELLING SPECIFIC WARRANTS · R~SOtU~ION of the Te~n Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington, cancelling specific ~arraats. WH~, the warrant register ef the Ton shows certain warfasts of the street fund as outstanding for an undul~ long period, and W~S, it cannot be deter:Shed if said warrants were destro~e~ or voided, and WH~, a period of over three years has elapsed since date of issue; NOV, TBIKIFOE~, 3E IT R~SOt~ED b7 the Town Council of the Town of Winslew, as follows: That the following warrants be considered Ps.vee Commercial 2hip Repair Vester~ 2tores J. J. Johnson Commercial Salp Repair That the Treasurer shall not re,ieem said warrants. That any claim for payment instituted as a result of cancella- tion of a~__td warrants shall be considered as a now claim and handled accordingly. PASSE by the Council af the Town of Winslow, Washington, and appreved by its Mayor this 7th day of April, 1953- Attest: