RES 53-24 SALE OF SEWER REVENUE BONDi ~L- .... --~- "o:' ~"- C .,,., ;1~ of the Town of 'jinslow,
a ~'UsZ YinC coups''~ ~o, o6?~aln se?v~ces
in cqr. n,.qcti~?n v, Zth t~e issuerice aild sale of ~50,OOO
Of SC:I.rel' roveflue bonds of tile town.
',,!{ER~S, the ~,-,, of
~.~m, Winslow does not now own, o~erate or
n..intakn a sanitary sewaSs dlsDosa! sy?tem, and it is deemed necessary
t at s;ch a sl.'~ten, bE' consntructed in order tc protect the public health
a..d >>c!~r!y ire'at and dispose of sanitary se~z~E~e; arid
>.HErniAS, it is ~ecraed necess. ary and ac'.visab].e that the to~zn
-' sue _d'c~ sol]. ~t~ gev. el-. r~'%?cfl'le ],',) El,:] S iIi the +~"-~ orincin, al sum of
~.,O,}:'; fr, r the -,t::r?ose c,f prcvldinEj tim funds necessary to construct
' id sll"'i;nl a::c7
iL:iEATM S ~ *' iS
"~ .... further deemed necessary and aevisable that the
star. icy >end cc'Insel skilled tn such matters to draw the ordinances
r"ti3cs L:,C or'>-:, '~'r'-¢ ..... necessary for the issuance and sale of said
anti .... l~,. tlLelr ~..ln%,.n as tr: ~i'Le validity thereof at the time
~,~,.., "/jEllEl'.:. ~ '~ ~ ~ :RESOLVED ~,~ the Council of the Town of'
' ' nslc..z, ',;ashh'i;~ton as follows:
That i~r'ostoi'i, Tiiorsjrlmsoz: & Eorowltz, attorneys at law of
~'~at~le, ljas].l. niltc r'.., be an~-Y they .'~z'e herel:,y retained to perform the
s .~v!ees a~n.v~: s~t i',:,i"tl, and as corm%onsatic, n therefor the town agrees
'..p..y t/.r'n. ' .c :-~ c[' .SilO, and in addition thereto also agrees to re-.
i...kur:s :ai,2 ce::nsel i'~' any out-of-pocket expenses such as lon~ distance
i '!~". ',r., tn. ils ~.'l':i::l- th,:'y mlEll~t tncur in the uerfor~f~nce of said servlce~
in addl~l.,~n to ~l:c {~nve, the town agrees to furnish said
~, :unse'i at ih-i> off/at in ScattiP, Uashlngton, with a complete certified
1~'a. nscri~:t qf all 'crcceedi:,,gs taken in the ~tter cf the issuance of
the Town of ~inslow, Washln~ton,
~I meetlnC held ~n the F~day
,~?ialICVEiD AS l"C F'i:Pi~:
Towr/,ttorn :y