RES 53-25 CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER A R~SOtt~ION of the Ton Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington, amending Resolution of June 16, 1953 &uthorizing construction of a sanitary sewer system and sewage treatment plant. WI~S, by Resolution dated June 16, 1953 the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to execute on behalf of the Town sewer revenue bonds in the principal sum of $~2,000.00, _n~d authorized to deliver said bonds on payment therefor in accors~ce with bid ~ubmitted by Mclean & Co. cf Tacoma, Washington, aM Wt~S, by agreement submitted by Mclean & Co. dated July 3, 1953 _rand ratified by the. Council on July ?, 1953 said principal sum of sewer revenue bonds was increased to $50,000.00; NOW, Tt~P~E, BE IT I~ESOLV~ by the Town Cottncil of the To~n of Winslow, Washington, as. follows: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute deliver said sewer revenue bonds in the principal sum of $50,000.00 as provided and under the terms of the ~mended agreement with Mc~e_~,~ & Co. as authorized by the Council on July 7, 1953. PASSED by the Couucil of the Town of Winslow, Washington, and approved by its Nayor this 2let day of July, 1953. Attest: Clerk