RES 53-27 WINSLOW MARINE RAILWAY A RESOLUTION of the Town Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington accepttn~ conveyance by deed of a 20 foot strip of land from The Winslow Marine Railway & Shipbuildtn~ Company, W~n~..RFAS, the Winslow Marine Railway & Shipbuilding Company, Inc. h~ve conveyed by deed for roadway purposes a strip of land 20 feet in width between 3June Drive and Sonth Median Read, -,~d WHEREAS, the north boundary of said strip of. land is 190 feet south of the north boundary line of Government Lot 4, Section 26, Town- ship 25 Eorth. Range 2 FA~, W.M., and WHEP~AS, said strip of land is donated to the Town for the pu~ose of creating an alleyway on the south side of Winslow Way between ~ and South Madiam__~ Road; I~0W, TPm. N~09E, ]~E IT I~.ESOLVED ~y the Town Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington, as follows: That said donation of land as descri~ed in deed dated January 28, 19~3 from The Winslow Marine ~ailway & 8h~pbuildin~ Company, Inc. to the Town of Winslow, as recorded in Volume ~62, pa~e 192 of the records of Kit sap County, ~e accepted. PASSF, D ~y the Council of the Town of Winslow, ~tashingto. n, and approvecl by its Mayor this ~ ~'~ day of 4u~ust, 19~3, At test