RES 54-01 ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER LINE A RESOLUTION of the Council of the Town of Winslow, Wash-
ington, setting forth stipulations governing acceptance of the
sewer line constructed by Bainbridge School District No. 303
on North and South Madison Avenue within the Town limits.
WIqEREAS, construction of a sewer line within the Town limits
by the Bainbridge School District No. 303 has been completed with the
exception of satisfactory back-filling of the trench, replacement of black
top surfacing, removal of surplus dirt and repair of drainage ditches, and
WHEREAS, the unusually heavy rains and winter season prevent a
satisfactory completion of ~.he resurfacing at this time, and
~EREI~S, the Town is in a position to maintain the streets in
a better and more satisfactory manner, pending conditions warranting re-
surfacing than the non-resident contractor, and
W~EREAS, negotiations between the Town and the School District
have resulted in a mutually satisfactory basis for acceptance of the sewer
l~ ne and related work at the present stage as approved by their engineer;
NOW, THEREFOre,i, BE IT R=~ZSOLVED by the Council of the Town of
Winslow, ~.Yashington, as follows:
That as and when payment is received by the Town in the amount
of $2,800.00, which amount is said to consist of $2,112.O0 by the ~chool
District and $6S8.00 by their contractor, the sewer line constructed by
the School District shall be and is accepted by the Town.
That simultaneously with payment of the amount named above, the
School District shall convey by deed full bitle in the sewer line to the
Town o
That following receipt by the Town of the amount named and title
in fee simple to the sewer line, the Town shall operate and maintain the
s-nme permanently, and dispose of all sewage produced at the present site
without any o~.her or further charge to the School District as long as the
school popul~tio~ i]oes ~ot ~.~xceed 2000, end the Tov~ shall further accept
full responsibility for ~he con~-lition of the street or sbreets over ~hich
the said se~er line has been constructed.
That upon acceptance of the sewer line by the Toxin, on compliance
w'-th the stipulations above named, all provisions of any existing agreement
between the To~n and the School District ~rertaining to construction of a
sewer line regarding resurfacing of trenching and replacing of streets,
drainage ditches and ct~lverts in equal condition to that existing at the
time construction started, shall be considered as having been fulfilled
and of no further force and effect.
PASSED by the Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington, snd
approved by its Mayor this ~ day of January, 195~.