RES 54-03 SURFACING OF CERTAIN STREETS A RESOLUTION authorizing the surfacing of certain streets within the limits of the Town of Winslow, Washington. WNERFAS, the construction of a public sewer system created a most unsatisfactory and hazardous condition of certain streets within the Town, and, WHERFAS, money estimated for patching of streets where sewer trenches were opened has been with~eld and is ave~ilable for restoring said streets to proper condition, and WEF~RFAS, money was allocated by the 1954 bullget for anticipated street construction, and ~EERFAS, estimates indicate that surfacing of certain specified streets can be accomplished within the money allocated for such work on the basis of the Town acting ss its own contractor; NOW, TH~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington: That the Town immediately negotiate for the rental of equipment needed and purchase of material as required. That the Cou_ncilms Roads and Streets Committee be augmented during the continuance of this project to include all members of the Council with Councilman Ray Williamson serving as Chairman. That this special committee is authorized to proceed to rent equip- ment and purchase material that the work may start as soon as possible to prepare the roadways and surface the following streets: North ~dison Avenue from the High School Road to Wyatt~s Corner South Madison Avenue from Winslow Way to Franks Avenue Franks Avenue from South Madison to Wood'Street Wood Street from Winslow Way to a point approximately 450 feet south of Franks Avenue Erickson Street from Wyatt Avenue to Winslow Way Winslow Way from Ferncliff Road to Eagle Street Eagle Street from Winslow Way to Hawley -1- That said special committee shall do all that is required to start the work and accomplts~ the project specified, including all super- vision and inspection. That the committee shall keep commitments and ex~penditures for this project within the sum of $7,000.00. PASSED by unanimous vote of the Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington, and approved by its ~ayor this ~ ~day o~J~ , 1954. Attest: