RES 55-04 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION providing for the construction of certain extensions to the Town's water distribution system, declar- ing the estimated cost thereof, providing for the issuance of ware rev[e warrants of the Town in the principal sum and maturities of said warrants, and creating a special fund for the payment of the principal and interest thereof. WHYS, it is deemed both desirable an~ advisable to construct certain extensions to the Water d~istribution system of the Town, an~ Wm~mAS, an extension of approximately 600 feet of ~-inch line on North Madison Avenue, and an extension of approximtely 600 feet of 2- inch line on Woo~s Street ms authorized by the Council in regular meeting on June 7, 1955, WHE3EAS, an extension of approximately 1,200 feet of b~-inch line north from Enechtel Avenue along the extension of lrickson Street was authorized by the 0ouncil in regular meeting on ju/y 5, 1955. NOW, T~rmREFORE, B~. IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Winslow, Washingtoni Tlmt the estimated cost of the construction and installation of the above described extensions is hereby declared to be, as nearly as may be, as followsl Woods Street extension $ (9'~ ~ North Madison Avenue extension $ ~' ",he Villas' .xtsnsion"" which nhAll be considered and constructed as individual units and -~b~ll be paid from the sale of water revenue warrants. That for the purpose of providing the necessary funds for construo- tion the Town shall issue its water revenue warrants in the total principal sum of $<~g~ ~ , at the time and in amounts to cover each individual authorized herein. That the proper officials of the Town are hereby authorized to issue and negotiate the sale of said water revenue warrants. That the maturity date of said warrants shall be five (5) years from date of issue and shall bear interest at the rate of ~% payable annually. That there is hereby created a special fund to be knnown as the Water Revenue Warrant Redemption ~umd which shall be drawn upon for the sole purpose of paying the principal and interest of the authorized water revenue warrant s. That the Town Treasurer shall, as long as an~ of the warrants are outstanding and unpaid, set aside from revenues paid into the Water ~evenue ~tnd and ~h_~ll transfer to said Water Revenue Warrant Redemption Fun~ amounts sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the authorized water revenue warrants, except that the necessary cost of mainte~_~.~ce and operation of said water system ami the charges necessary to pay the prin- cipal and interest of the outstanding water revenue bonds shall h~ve prior lien upon the money in said Water Revenue ~tund. That the money derived from the sale of the water revenue warrants shall be used solely for the purposes provided herein. PAS-~D by the unanimous vote of the Council of the Town of Winslow and ~proved by its Ma,vor at a regular meeting held on the / ~'day of /~//,-~J -' , 1955. Attest: