RES 57-01 LABOR CHARGESA RESOLUTION to effect distribution of labor charges. WHEREAS, it is at times in the best interest of the Town to sss, il~n the street r~inteD~nce rn~n to emergency or occe~sional work on t'he Town's ~ublic utilities, end Wt~S, it is the intent that the wages be distributed to the account involved, and WHEREAS, it w~s considered proper to credit the Street ib. nd with t~o ~onths wa~es at $275.00 per month to cover ~ages and use of Street Department truck, and WHEP~S, through ~.~isunderstanding this amount v.~as paid from the Sewer Construction Fund instepid of the Water EOW, T~ERE-~0R~, BE IT R~=TSOLVED that proper entry be ~.de in the records of the Town to reimburse the Se~'er Construction l~u_nd in the amount of $550.00 by transfer from the Water Fund. PASSED b2~ the Council of the Town of Winslow, and aDDroved by its l.~yor this 19th da~ of ?ebrue. ry, 1957. Attest: