RES 57-05 SEWER UTILITY LEDGERRE S OLUT I ON A RESOLUTION authorizing the adjustment of specific charges appearing on the Sewer Utility L~dger. WEEAS, at the time the Shinyard/Ferry Terminal sewer extension was placed in operation monthly service char~es were entered for the account of Commercial Shi~ Repair and Review Building and, WEEAS, the monthly charge accumulated over the ~eriod of negotiations, and ~HEBEAS, such charge~ are considered not owing, not subject to collection and should be removed from the accounts receivable l~dger. NOW, TBE~FORE, BE IT 8ESOL~ED That the account of Conun~ercial Ship Pepair be adjusted in the amount of $140.00 and that the account of ~sview B~ilding be adjusted in the amount of $110.00 and no further charges entered against this account until side sewer connection has been made. P~SED by the Council of the To~n of Winslow, and apnroved by i~s Mayor this 3rd day of December, 1957- Attes~: Clerk Nayor