RES 58-02 EMERGENCY ENGINEER PROPOSAL A KI2OI~TION d~clarimg an emergency. acceptlag the
I~gineer's preposal as a solutiea thsreof, and order-
tag tmdia~e aeries to previde relief to the ewx~-
genC~ threatening the health, saaitatien ag fire
preteetion of the eommmw~ty.
Wwm~A2, the ~ownts lmblic mater a~stem is taxed beyond its
engineered sapsettles, ~
WNIRFAS, ~his conditien is be~ea~ the bounds ef reasonable
pl~_--i_ng and is the result of a nild winter leaving dspleted nat~Lral ~ater
reserves throwgheut the aerkl~est, assI
WIIlRIAS, the present extenled ~x7 perled thre~gh May, ;ass and
$e late in J~d7 ~as reduced anticilste~l available water swimplies, anl
WNFmv~2, the shortage ef water will en~r the health of the
citizens, will ~etrimentall7 affect the sanitation ef all areas served b7
the Irablic sewer s~stes, all
WNIBIAS, a shortage ef water weul~ re~ce reserveir sterale ag
endanger the fire pretectien se vital during the mmsual and recer&-break-
lOW, T~IB~FORE, ill X! meSOLT~ by the Tewn Ceuneil of the Town
ef Winslow, Washingtens
Tlaat an e~ergeney exists threatening the health, sanitation asl
fire pretection of the cosmity.
~hat lsse~iate relief is paranent te the interests of all ett-
isens of the Ten of Winslew.
That the lagineer's plan to obtain relief by tapping aa existing
surface smarts lecated on the O. T.. M~erse prepert~ one-~hix~t nile wesl ef
an existing main of the water sirstea he aceepted and eenstruction be presse~
oa an eaergenc7 basis.
~hat the plans,having boos given the tentative approval aid temp-
orex7 permits by the State Water RosearMs Department. the State Health
Department, the Town Attorney. the investment house handling ~own boano, and
a coRedtReat receive4 to purchase water reveans warrants in the amount of
$80000.00 to poreit action to relieve the present eaergencye work and InLr--
chase of material be expedited on an emergency basis to offoct the ~se of
the available water at the earliest possible date.
~bat the Ms~or is hereby authorlean to negotiate the easesent
cevered by the plan and to do all things neeessex7 to xpee~ the construction~
and the Tows Atteraey is requestan to present all neeessex? ordinances re-
qxiriag Ce~ncil asSion.
I'ASSlD by ,,wo~t ~us vote of the Ce~acil of the ~own of Winslow,
Washington. and approve~ by its I~or this l~th da~ of July,
Atte st;