RES 58-03 WATER REVENUE WARRANTS WI~S, the Town of Winslow holds commitment from Kit s&p
County )ask at Port 0rchar4, Wa~h~iton, to purchase 080000,00 of
of Winslow water reYelue warrants as soon as issued, a3xd
1~2, it is isperxtiYe that the propose~ proSect, for which
said issue is authorized, be developed withalt delay, and
Vl~2, the l~t 2oun4 Power & Light Cospan7 file~ schedules
proride for advance payment for the extension of power lines to the
pro~ ect;
NOV, T~KIFOBI, BI IT wwSOLTID by the Council of the Town of
Winslow, Washin~,rtol:
That the sum of $~87.90 be transferred from the Water )onL
le4eaptton FImd to the Water Construction ]~xnd.
That same sh&ll be coasi&erei only as a temporex7 loan to be
rep&ld immediately on the ale of water revenue vxrrants of 1958 issue.
That the perio~ of aid lean is anticipsted to be thirty (30)
PASSID by the Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington this
~th day of August,