RES 59-01 KITSAP JOINT PLANNING COMMISSIONRESOX.UT ON NO. 5-1959 A RESOLUTION of the Kitsap County Commissioners, of the City of Bremerton, Town of Poulsbo, Town of Port Orchard and the Town of Winslow creating a Kitsap County Joint Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 35.63 RCW as amended by Chapter 130, Laws of 1957 and prescribing its responsibilities and procedures and establishing a Kitsap Joint Planning Conference. BE IT RESOLVED: Section l; Creation of Kitsap County Joint Planning Commission. Pursuant to the provisions of Ch. 35~63 RCW, as mended by Ch. 130, Laws of 1957, there is hereby created the Kitsap County Joint Planning Commission hereinafter referred to as the Commission. Section 2. Membership, Terms and Compensation. The members of the Kitsap County Joint Planning Commission shall consist of the members of the Bremerton Planning Commission~ two (2) members each from Port Orchard, Poulsbo and Winslow, and the members of the Kitsap County Planning Commission and others in ex-officio capacity as appointed by the Kitsap County Joint Planning Commission. Commission members from incorporated towns shall be appointed by the governing body of those towns for terms not exceeding six (6) years. School and Port authorities or others as deemed advisable may be appointed as members or advisory members by the Commission. The term of each member of the Kitsap County Joint Planning Commission shall expire at the same time as his term on his Planning Commission and each member sbmll ser~e without compensation. -1- Section 3. Method of Appointment. Whenever a new member has been appointed, or a present member has been reappointed, the appointing official shall advise the chairman of the Kitsap Joint Planning Commission in writing of such action within ten days after the appointment has been made. Sectio~ 2' Organization, Meetings an~ Records~ The Kitsap Joint Planning Commission, at its first meeting shall elect a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary (no more than one from any governmental unit) and shall prepare and adopt rules for the conduct of its meetings. The secretary shall notify all newspapers, radio and television stations, (herein- after referred to as the press) situated within the county of the time and place of its regular meeting. The Executive Board shall consist of six (6) members composed of the officers and three (3) elected members from the Commission. They shall be divided as follows: One (1) member from each city or town and two (2) from the County Planning Commission. The County Engineer, City or Town Engineers and the County Health Doctor shall serve as ex-officio members. The Chairman of the Commission shall also be the Chairman of the Executive Board and shall preside over all meetings. In the absence of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, the Secretary shall perform the duties of Chairman. The Commission shall hold at least three regular meetings each fiscal year, and may hold special meetings. Notice of special meetings shall be communicated to the members and the chairman of the Kitsap Joint Planning Conference by mail or by telephone at least five days in advance of each date. The same notice shall be communicated to the press. The Eyecutive Board shall hold at least nine meetings each fiscal year~ and such additional meetings as may be called by the Chairman. The Secretary shall keep and maintain a record of the minutes of all regular, special and Executive Board meetings and copies shall be distributed to the members of the Commission, the Conference and the press. Section 5. Personnel and Equipment. The Kitsap Joint Planning Commission may employ technically trained and necessary administrative personnel and consultants to perform such service as are necessary for the preparation of planning, studies, surveys and comprehensive plans. The Kitsap Joint Planning Commission shall within its budgetary allotment provide necessary equipment, supplies and office space. Section 6o Responsibilities. The Kitsap Joint Planning Commission shall conduct such rese~.rch and surveys with respect to population, land use, economics, utilities, transportation and related subject matters as may be essential to the develop- ment of a comprehensive plan, and may perform all other functions authorized by State law. The Commission shall prepare a comprehensive plan for the coordir~ted physical development of the entire County. The comprehensive plan shall also serve as a guide and basic framework within ~hich more detailed physical development plans can be formulated for any mtmicipality. The comprehensive plan shall be so preps. red that all or portions of it may be approved by the Commission and recom- mended to the county, cities and towns within Kitsap County -3- as basis for guiding their individual and collective develop- ment. The comprehensive plan may be approved by the Commission and recommended to the respective municipalities progressively, area by area, or subject by subject or parts of subjects. The Commission may contract to prepare individual compre- hensive plans within the framework of the county-wide compre- hensive plan for any municipality in the County of Kitsap. It may formulate and prepare applications for federal assistance and planning grants in aid in accordance with federal and state procedures as may be requested by the municipality. The Commission shall prepare at least one report for each six month period of the fiscal year describing its activities, programs and the progress it is making in plan preparation. It shall have prepared and shall submit to the Conference referred to in Section 7 hereof on July i of each year a pro- posed budget for its fiscal operations, which shah be accompa- nied by a summary of proposed projects to be undertaken during the fiscal year and the estimated cost of each. The Chairman of the Commission is hereby authorized and ~y call a joint meeting of the Conference and the Commission as may be necessary, and shall call a joint meeting during the months of January and June of each year for the purpose of reviewing the planning progroan of the Commission. It shall be the purpose and responsibility of the Execu- tive Board to administer the program of the Commission, including supervision and guidance of staff and consulting work, and such other duties as may be prescribed in the by-laws of the Com- mission, or by direction of the Commission, subject only to the action of the Commission in one of its regular meetings, Section 7..=, Creation of Joint Plarming Conference, There is hereby created a Kitsap Joint Plannlng Conference for the region of Kitsap County, hereina/ter referred to as the Con- ference, including the incorporated city and towns therein to provide for a regular joint meeting of the Mayors of these towns, and City Council of Bremerton and the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Kitsap. Section 8. OrganizatiOn and Members. The KitSap Joint Planning Conference shall consist of nine (9) members, one of whom shall be elected Chairman. The Mayors of the incorpora- ted towns, the council of the City of Bremerton and the County Commissioners of the County of Kitsap shall each be a member of the Conference. The Conference~ at its first meeting, shall elect a chairman. School and Port authorities or others as deemed advise- able may be appointed as advisory members by the Conference. Section 9. Meetings. The Conference shall meet at least once during each three month period of the fiscal year. Mdi- tional meetings may be called by the chairman of the Joint Planning Commission, Mayor of any incorporated city or town, chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Kitsap. or the chairman of the Conference. The official convening the Conference shall notify the members of the Conference and the press, by letter or by telephone of the time and place, and the purpose of the meeting at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting date. At least two meetings of the Conference, each fiscal year, -5- shall be devoted to hearing the progress reports in the planning program of the Commission. One meeting shall be devoted, in part, to considering the budget of the Commission in respect to the division of responsibility to be recommended to the Board of County Com- missioners and the City Councils concerned. The Conference is created to provide the members of the legislative bodies in the Region with an opportunity o£ co- ordinating local governmental programs o£ planning, land development, surveys, and of health, sanitation and wel/afe~ It shall be the responsibility of the mayors of the corporated towns who are members to report to their respective legislative bodies the progress and the nature of the planning program of the Commission and the recommendations o£ the Commis- sion regarding administrative and policy matters. The o£ficials who are members of the Conierence~ may require the chairman of the Commission, together with designated personnel of the Commission, to assist in presenting a report to each of the legislative bodies on the progress and the nature of the planning program of the Commission. Section 10. Sta/fo The sta/f of the Commission shall assist the County, City, and Town Planning Commissions, and the sts/f work schedule shall be subject to the approval o£ the ~itsap Joint Planning Commission so that each Town, City and County Planning Commission Planning project can be pursued to a conclusion expeditiously and efficiently. Section ll~ Administrative Procedures. The appropriations, or a portion thereof made by the legislative body o£ the city or towns concerned and by the Board of County Connuissioners o£ the county of ~itsap for the conduct and operations of the Commission shall, on or before the first day o£ the £iscal years be sent to the COunty Treasurer for the County o£ Kitsap and shall be received by the County Treasurer and credited to an account entitled, Eitsap County Joint Planning Commission, Before the County Auditor disburses any of the funds o£ the account, vouchers for such disbursement shall be approved by the head d the staff and chairman of the Kitsap County Joint Planning Commission, The County Auditor will maintain the same vigilance of the account entitled ~itsap County Joint Plannin8 Cosaission as is characteristic of all other accounts under the Auditores jurisdiction, The City or towns by ordinancee together with the County~ by resolutions may receive gifts, grants, and other £orms d materials and financial assistance £rom £ederal~ state, and local sourcess and £rom individualss firms and corporationss and shall credit such giIts~ grants~ and other £orms o£ material and £inancial assistance to such account, Disbursement d such funds shall be made in accordance with the procedures estab- lished herelno Section B.o Amendments, Any proposed amendment to this resolution before it is passed by the city or tok~ councils o~ the incorporated city and towns or the Board of County Com- missioners o£ the County of Kitsap shall be submitted ten days in advance o£ its final passage to each of the following: (a) Prosecuting Attorney for the County o£Kitsap (b) City Attorney for the City or Towns concerned (c) Chairman of the Con/erence (d) Mayors for the City or Towns concerned (e) Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Kitsap (f) Chairman of the Commission The Mayors of the incorporated city and towns and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners shall each receive a written joint report prepared by the Prosecuting Attorney and the attorneys for the city or towns, and containing their opinions on the validity of the proposed amendment under the state law, and on whether it reflects sound administrative and legislative practice. Section 13. Legislative Authority not Delegated. The provisions of this Resolution shall not be administered, construed, or interpreted as limiting or delegating the legislative authority of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Kitsap, or the legislative bodies of the incorporated city and towns. Section 14. Effects of Partial Invalidity. If ar~ provision, section, part of section, sentence, or clause of this resolution shall be held unconstitutional or invalid, all other parts, provisions, and sections of this resolution not expressly so held to be void or unconstitutional shall continue in full force and effect. Passed by Board of Kitsap County Commissioners on the 19th day of January, 1959, to become effective January 19, 1959. ATTEST: MARGARET McPHERSON Clerk of the Board (SEAL AFFIXED) T. H. LUNDBERG Chairman of the Board HENRY A. BROWN 'Commissioner F. M. YOUNGS Commissioner -8-