RES 59-04 SANITARY SEWERF{ESOI/3TION WHEEEA~, the public wate~ ry's~ean and sanitary sewer syste~ of the Town hax used the street maintenance man for the daily and emergency maintenance and operation services, and WH~, the salary has not been distributed on a monthl~ basis, and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intent to reimburse the street fund for services= rendered to the utilities, and WHEREA~, computations indicate reimbursement of one month's salary to be in order from each of the individual utilities; NOW, ~F3EFORE, BE IT R_F~OLVED by the Council of the To~vn of Winslow, Washington: That the stun of $340.00 be transferred from the Water Fund to the Street F~d i:l payment of labor performed. That the sum of $340.00 be transferred from the Sewer Fund to the Street Fund in payment of labor performed. PASSED by the Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington this 7th day of April, 1959- Attest: k,~,.t " ,,{q_ Cler~ ....