RES 59-06 LOAN FROM SEWER REDEMPTION FUND TO SEWER FUND A EESO~JTION a~thorizing ~ ~ from the October 1, 1956 Sewer Warrant Redemption Fund to the Sewer Fund, providing repay- ment thereof and establishing the period of the lea~. WHEEEAS, the strike by construction workers and less enroute of irreplaceable electrical controls! axtended the construction period of the Grow~ Street~a~ley District ~swer project beyond the period pro- vided in the engineer's cost estimate, and WHEREA~, such delay postponed receipts from sewer service charge~, and WHEEEA~, such delays could not reasenabl~ have been foreseen, and WHEEFA~, receipts free the last unit of the s~er project will be due and payable during the month of October, and WHERFA~, such revenue together with retirement during September ef the final warrant of the 1953 sewer warrant issue assure~ the ability to retire the proposed lean; N~, THEREFOPS, HE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington: That the sum of $350.00 be leaned free the October 1, 1956 Sewer Warrant Redemption Fund to the Sewer Fund, That said lean be repaid as rapidly as funds are available but within a period not to exceed 120 daFs from the date hereof. PA~D by unanim~ue vote of the Council of the Town of Winslc~ Washington, and approved by its Mayor this 15th day of September 1959- Attest: ) ~ r · Cl ~k ~