RES 60 LEDGER WRITE OFF OF BAD DEBTA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AI~'UST~ENT OF THE TC~N OF WINSIX~ WATER AND SEWER UTILITY IEDGER TO WRITE OFF OF SPECIFIED BAD REBT LOSSES. WHEREAS, the utility ledger of the Town of Winslow has not been adjusted for losses since inception of the public water and sewer systems in 1953, and W}EREAS, certain accounts are considered uncollectible and are individually listed under "Doubtful Accounts" in the 1960 Utility Ledger in the total amount of WtI'F~R $24.20, SEWER $33.50, and WHEREAS, each such account has been analyzed with the Town Attorney for possible collection under provisions of the statutes, and ~, this specified list of accounts has been reviewed by the State Examiner and recommended for write-off as bad debts; NC~, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington: That the Utility Ledger be adjusted for bad debts accumulated over the period of the last seven years in the following amounts, Water $24.20, Sewer $33-50, That a record of the individual accounts be maintained and any payments thereon be duly credited. PAS~D by the Council of the To~m of Winslow, Washington and approved by its Mayor this 17th day of May 1960.