RES 64-02 APPOINTING AN ACTING CLERK/TREASURERK~OLUTION A Z~SOLUTiON a;:lpointing an acting Clerk/Treasurer and authorizing the signature of fired W. Nord in the capacity of that official position. '~S, the duly appointed Clerk/Treasurer of the Town of Winslow, ~ashington has been granted a leave of absence extending through the months of April and L(ay, 196h, L'jOW, T]i~FOi~E, ~h IT ttESOL%U~D by the Town of Winslow, Washi~ton as follows: 1. ].~. Fred W. R!ord, presently serving as Deputy Clerk, is appointed Acting ClerkZTreasurer of -the Town of Winslow. 2. The signature of hlr. Fred W. Nord is authorized for all instruments where the signature of the Clerk/Treas. is applicable. 3- 1~e signature of }.']r. Fred W. Nordis authorized for the depository account maintained at the Bainbridge isinnd Bank for the Tov~ of Winslow. h. This appointment an~ authority is effective for the period from i~arch 3Oth, 196~ to jmne 1st, t96~. Passed by unanimous vote of the Town Council of the Tmm of Winslow, 'Washington this 17th day of March, t96h. ATTEST: