RES 65-02 ASSESSMENT ROLL LID 1EESOLUTION I~B~AS, the 6th instalmemt on asses~aent roll of L.I.D. No. 1 was not paid for the Tillicum Apartments proper~y, and WHF3EAS, this is due to controversy between new and former ewaers of this property which may lead to e~tended negotiations, aud WHEFaAS, R.C.W. 35.49,060 authoriaes the Town, when deemed necessary, to transfer money from th~ General Fund to the Redemption Fund as a loam to be repaid when the money is available for repayment. N~ THE~E E IT RESOLVED that the amount of the 6th insraiment in default, namely $390.66 be transferred from the General Fund to be repaid on delayed receip~ of the instalment in question. PASSED this 20th day of March, 1965 at Winslow, Washington. FINANCE C~TTIEE CF WINSLOW TOWN COUNCIL