A RESOLUTION of the Town Council of the
Town of Winslo~v, Washington, declaring its
intention to improve certain areas ~vithin the
To~vn by the construction and installation of
water pipelines and to create a local improve-
ment district to assess the cost and expense
of such improvement against the properties in
the District specially benefited thereby and
notifying all persons who may desire to object
to such improvement to appear and present their
objections at a meeting of the To~vn Council to
be held on Iune/f" , 1965.
Section 1. That it is the intention of the Town Council of the
Town of Winslow, Washington, to order the construction and installation of a
high level water line extension from the Chatham Hill Reservoir to Ferncliff
Avenue, such line to run east~vard from the existing eight inch gate valve at
the reservoir to the eastern side of Gro~v Avenue and then south along the
east side of the street to a point opposite the existing ten foot ~vide right of
way owned by the Tov~n and running between Gro~v and Madison Avenues, thence
on to the east along the centerline of this strip to the east side of Madison
Avenue and thence south to a point opposite a proposed ten foot easement
across the Morrison-Stafford properties, thence along the centerline of the
proposed easement approximately twenty feet north of the existing power line
and ten feet north of the sewer force main to the "Village" area and the dog-
leg in the south boundary of the Stafford property, thence south down the
center line of a proposed twenty foot easement along the east side of the
Bucsit property to a point where it ~vill clear the "Village" buildings and can
turn to the east and continue to the State High~vay. A twenty foot wide ease-
ment ~vill have to be obtained across the Stafford property to the highway
right of ~vay. At this point the line will be returned northward just inside the
highway right of way to a point on the westerly extension of the north boundary
of the Putman property and the proposed subdivision, Wing Point North. The
line will be carried under the highway in a 100 foot long, 16 inch standard
black iron pipe encasement, which will have to be drilled and jacked through
the highway fill. From the east side of the highway to the northwest corner
of the Wing Point North subdivision a 10 foot easement will have to be ob-
tained along the north edge of the Putman property. Also, a 10 foot easement
will be provided along the west side of the northwest corner lot (~15) of the
subdivision. The line will be routed east and then south along the center
line of these easements to the center of the main street through the Wing
Point North subdivision, thence eastward along the center of this street to the
west side of Ferncliff Avenue, with provisions for a four inch lateral line to
serve the balance of the subdivision. The eight inch line will also be routed
south on the west side of Ferncliff to complete a loop with the four inch line
on Eaglecliff Road of the subdivision.
There shall also be constructed and installed a tie through
an altitude valve for a connection to the four inch line from the "Village" area
to the main low level system of the Town, together with fittings for future
north-south lines on Grow, Madison, the State Highway and Ferncliff Avenues.
A twelve inch line shall be constructed and installed from the eight inch valve
at the reservoir to the "Village" area and a ten inch line for the section from
the "Village" to the east side of the State Highway, together with an eight
inch line from the east side of the State Highway to Ferncliff Avenue. Section-
alizing valves and tees will be provided for the future installation of fire
hydrants on Grow and Madison Avenues and at the "Village."
The foregoing shall be carried out in accordance with the plans
and specifications therefor to be prepared by Roars Engineering, the Town's
Section 2. That the entire cost and expense of the improve-
ment shall be borne by and assessed against the properties specifically bene-
fired by such improvement to be included in the local improvement district to
be established, embracing as near as may be all properties specifically bene-
fired by such improvement. That there shall be included in such cost and
expense all cost items provided in RCW 35.44.020.
Section 3. That all persons who may desire to object to the
improvement herein mentioned are hereby notified to appear and present such
objections at a meeting of the Town Council to be held in the Council Chambers
in the Town Hall, winslow, Washington, at Y~ (] 0 O'clOck p.m. (PDST)
on ~.- / /''~ /~6 ~"" , which time and place are hereby fixed for
hearing all matters relating to the proposed improvement, and all objections
thereto, and for determining the method of payment for that improvement.
Section 4. Roars Engineering, the Town's engineer, is
hereby directed to submit to the Town Council on or prior to ~J"~'~///~S~
all data and information required by law to be submitted.
The foregoing Resolution was ADOPTED by the Town Council
of the Town of Winslow, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof this 18th
day of May, 1965.