RES 65-05 AUTHORIZING SIGNATURERESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE AND ESTABLISHIEB RESPONSIBILITY FOR CERTFICATION OF CLAIM VOUCHERS. WHERFAS, Chapter 116, La.~ of 1965 of the State of Washington, prescribe the procedure and form for certification of claims for' payment, and WHERFA~, ~he Council has by means of permanent committees established and distributed the responsibility for the operating functions of the Tu~, and WHEHEAS, such co~,attees authorize, or recommend for Council action, purchases and empenditures within their jurisdiction. N~ THEBEFOE~, B~ IT RESOLVED by the Tu.n Council of the Town of winslow, as follows: That the Chairman of each permanent committee ~ certify all claim vouchers related to operations falling within his jurisdiction. That said certification will be made by signing the certification clam provided on the voucher form. That in the absence of the Chairman of a Committee another member of that Committee is hereby authorized to sign the certification. That nothing herein eliminates the requirement that each claim voucher be approved for payment by the signature of two members of the Council' s Auditing Committee. app~oved by its Mayor i of July, 1965- CleTk ~"