WHEREAS, the proposed construction of a cross-sound bridge
contemplates the abandonment of the Winslow-Seattle ferry service; and
WHEREAS, said ferry service provides efficient and economical
mass transportation from Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap County to
downtown Seattle; and
WHEREAS, the discontinuance of said ferry service would
eliminate a financially sound ferry run and force expensive and incon-
venient methods of transportation to metropolitan Seattle upon the
residents of Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap County;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the
Town of Winslow, Winslow, Washington, opposes any legislation
authorizing construction of a cross-sound bridge until such time as it is
established that said bridge is economically feasible without terminating
the Winslow-Seattle ferry service, both vehicular and passenger.
obert W. McKisson
A ~UTION 6f the Town Council o~ t~e Town of W~nslw,
Washin~n~ authorisin~ si~natures for Town Warrants durin~
the abeence of the Mayor in the period Ju~7
WP~REAS, Mayor Robert W. NcKisse~ will be absent from the;
State during the perled July 1~ to July 30, 1~, and
W~EP~AS, it is necessary for the Council to lrovide for
the continuance of the functions ef the Town Govermaent during such
N~ T~C~E, E2 IT EESOLVED by the Tewn Council of the
Ta of Winslow, as follows:
T~at Councilaan J,,nkeh Narui, as Chairsan of the Councils
a~,~t+_-~-S Committee, is hereby appointed to sign Tewn Warrants in lieu
of the Mayer, during the Mayors absence in the month ef July 1~66.
That the signature ~f Councilw~n Junkoh Harui is hereby
authorised t~ be substituted for that of the Mayo~ during the Marcus
absenee and is limited to the month of July
That the Ta's deposit~ry, Bain~ridge Island ~ank, located
in Winslow, Washington, is hereby authorAxed te accep~ the signature
ef Junkeh Harui in lieu of that of the Ma~or on Ta Warrants during
the calendar ~nth of Jul~ only.
~ by the Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington and
approved by its May~r this 18th day cf July, 1~6~.