RES 66-08 PERSONAL CAR MILE REIMBURSEMENT RESOLUTION A RESOIAVEION EEVCEIN3 RESOLUTION DA~ED FFaRUARY ~, ~63 ~ ~AB~ ~ ~ M~ F~ ~~ F~ A~H~ U~ ~ ~ ~, it is conJUred ~p~ ~t ~e Co~cil au~r~e and ap~ re~sem~t for ~a~ ~e ~ Tm ~fic~ls and ~s, ~ ~, ~e Co~c~ my at t~s f~d ~e ~terests of t~: Tm ~e best semd ~ re~b~s~ ~id ~ on the ~sis of ~e of ~rso~ c~s, a~ ~, it is consi~ ~cessa~ for ~ ~ ~ es~bB~ a m~ ~r ~ for re~se~t. N~ T~ ~ ~ ~L~: (a) T~t ~e Resolution ~d FebE~ 5, ~63 es~bBs~ ~e rate for re~seB~ of au~o~zed ~ge is h~e~ revoked, (b) TMt the Comc~ ~ t~ Tm of W~sl~, Wa~g~n ~es es~b~ ~e ~e ra~ for re~b~se~nt of aut~zed ua of ~rso~l ~rs at t~ (~) c~ts ~r ~. ~ by the T~ Comc~ ~ the T~ ~ Winsly, Wash~ton ~s 19~ ~y of Sep~, 19~- Clerk AT~S~: