RES 67-02 TRANSFER OF BUDGETED FUNDS WITHIN SAME CLASSIFICATIONRESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZII~G T}~. TRanSFER OF BUDGETED FUNDS WITHIN THE SAME CIASS~ICATION. WHEREAS, the 1967 Budget provided for vehicle lease rental pa~nnents in the amount of $1971.00, and WHEREAS, it is considered proper and to the best interests of the Town to purchase a vehicle for cash; N~ THEREFGRE BE IT RESOLVED: The the Budget item under Current Expense Fund, P~blic Safety classfication, item Patrol Car be transferred from Contractural Expenditures to Capital Expenditures. PASSED by the Town Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington, this 20th day of February, 1967. ATTEST: Cl~rk Mayor