RES 67-08 SIX YEAR STREET DEVELOPMENT PLANRESOLUTION WHFAREAS, there exists a State requirement for ths Town to subm~%~ annually a six year plan for proposed street development and improvements, and .WH~__EAS, the suggestion contained in the State Department of Highways letter dated June 30, 1967 had not been contemplated at the time of compiling the current six year street plan, and WHEREAS, The Town Council has accepted the State plan and desires to proceed at once with construction. NOW THEREFOR HE IT RESOLVED: That the item of widening the north side of Winslow Way approximately t=ing nort S te Highly 305. i This construction shall consist of two iD~h blacktop paving to State ape cifications · PASSED by the Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington this 18th day of September, 1967. ATTEST: