RES 68-07 VARIANCE TO PRESCRIBED LOTRESOLUTION A RESOLUTION CF THE TOWN OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON GRANTING A VARIANCE TO PRESCRIbe) LOT WIDTH WHERFA~, RALPH C. ASPARATTI has petitioned for variance in the lot width from that prescribed in Ordinance No. 124 for R 12.5 zoning, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this petition on October 17 and has recommended granting said petition. NC~, THRPEFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minimum lot width at building site as provided in Ordinance No. 124 is reduced to 49 feet for the following described property: Tax Lot 65 situated in Southwest 1/4 of Section 26, Township 25 North, Range 2 East, W.M., Kitsap County, Washington which site is located in the Town of Winslow on the West side of Ferncliff Avenue Northeast, approximately 450 feet south of the intersection with Wing Point Way. PAS~ by the Council of the Town of Winslow, Washington this 21st day of October, 1968- ATTEST Tx , , 1/Clix~>' Frederick J. Hurt, Chairman Winslow Planning Commission NOTICE: C~' PUBLIC HEARING You are hereby notified the Town of Winslow Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a petition for s; variance to the Winslow Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance pertaining to granting a building permit for a residential dwelling on a parcel of land not conforming to the minimum lot width at building. The lot is described as Tax Lot 65 situated in Southwest of Section 26, Township 25 North, Range 2 East, W.NL, Kitsap County, Washington and is located on the West side of Ferncliff ,venue North-- east, approximately 150 feet South of Wing Point~Way Northeast. The hearing will be held Thursday, October 17, 1968 at 7x30 PM in the Winslow Town Ha11 at which all interested property owners: may present. their vieuPS, either in writing or orally. Frederick J. Hurt, Chairman Winslow Planning Commission Winslow Plannin~ Corn i ssion Public Hearing SeptemLer 19, 19~8. 7:30 P.LI. The Puoiic Hesrini~ w:~ s called to order by chairman'Freder- ick Hurt~to consider the z'a~quest of hr. and i'~rs. Bernard Doughton to recl~,ssify their property(te~j:'?l description in le;ter cf a:p.iication) '.t t~e e~.d of E~ickson Ave. , from flue present ~E-12.5 to F~, ~or i:e parpose of erecting a muiti?ie d~eiling. ..r. and ].,~rs. Dou[?~ton oz'eser~ted their dwe:iing to t'~ose p:esent. Ti~ere being no objoctic.ns~ z:ecti:~ was ;:~d~jc,~.rned at ?:5C. l~e::ting of Winslow Planning Conm~ission September lb'., 1968 S:O0 P.!.i'. :ko SDeOtfu] ] ~,,, s~b;.iitte Elnora Secretary :2he flirtslow Pian:zi::~ 0oremission was called to ordez' by the c.:':ir;:i!~n, Frederick Hum't, with l/.'r. i~i!ey, !~r. Pratt, Mr. Beemet, _ rs. Parfitt, and lit. Nystrom present. r. iiiley ::eyed th:~t -the :ninates of the previc.us meating be dispensed with, since each member had received a copy. it. Beemet seconded the motion. The ~!mtion ca,.~ried. ].,~r. and iCrs. Gaspm~rotti requested the com',...ission to allow ~nem a v':~'i~nce from R 12.5 to allow a single dwelling to be erected on their lot. It is 49' 'by j?3S' (description in letter) The commission set a Public Hearing for OctOber iTth a"; 7:30 P.M. iCr. :u/_d k..rs. Doughto:~'s plan for a multiple dwelling was d ! scussed. Don Beeme~ moved thkt the com~ission approve its reclan:s- ification as r.:~quested f~o:n R-12.5 to i-3,qrav~ded the tom of "inslow ~cq'iire th_ mini:return of 40 ft. r~.ght of my, and that the set back of building oe taken f~om the East line of ~i~ht of w~.y. The road in f~ont of his property is now only 20 ft. wide ~; :~d a poor road . Eho~s Parfibt seconded the motion. The motion carried. The ~om~cii is to L,e notified by letter. Zir. Pratt moved that the meetin~ 0e adjoarned. M~. Ny- sZ~om seconded -ohe motion. The motion carried. The meeting ~as adjourned atS:45 P.Z:. P. espectfuij. y ubmit~d, Bainbridge Island Winsl~, Washington September 9, 1968 Zoning Commission Town of Winslow Winslow, Washington Re: Ralph Gasparotti lot adjacent to Gasparotti house on Ferncliff Avenue. Lot size 49' wide x 238' deep. Gentlemen: I am applying for variance from R 12.5 to allow a single dwelling to be erected on the above lot. I have a buyer for the above described lot, subject to'purchaser being able to obtain a building permit. Purchaser is willing to comply with all other restrictions and limitations stated in the town zoning ordinance. Purchaser's agent (Rasmussen) attempted to purchase additional property from Mrs. Nystrom, on the north so the lot would be legal size. Mrs. Nystrom refused to sell. 2. My house is situated too close to the south property line of said lot to obtain additional land. I obtained this lot in 1961 for the purpose of building a new home. Circumstances prevented me from building. Said lot has been carried on the county tax rolls as a separate, single building lot since its acquisition by myself. If a variance allowing a home to be erected on said lot is not granted, an undue hardship will be placed on me since the lot was purchased for the express purpose of building a new home and the land is of little value for any other purpose. Respectfully, VIRGINIA GASPAROTTI BAINBRIDGH1SLAN~ WA~}!INGTON 98110 8*~"~DGE LSL, AND ' ~ ,_19 1251 / I ' i .; .a I I PIqm"ITON. THORCIIIIIMION. HOIqOWITZ, STAIqlN ~, ELLIll ¢[,ATTLr,WABHI NOTON ~'81OI September 3, 1968 Mr. F. H. Saul Town Clerk Town of Winslow Winslow, Washington 98110 Re: Zoning Ordinances - Pecuest on behalf off frank Dusek and Ruel ~asmussen. Dear Prancis: I have reviewed the zonin~ ordinance an,'? the one Ralph GasDarrottl. ThJ~ lot <rannot be ;se.! purposes under the current cote, Tt is only/..~, wi~e code requires 80' width in that area to bu!.-! a LJi!d~n~. they want tc build a ~ull<]in~ on that lot. thev ~u?t s, ee~' a variance permlt. Yours very truJv . jA!l:fnt I ; !