RES 69-02 PUBLICITY FOR BRIDGESto hearings and antieipated aetica ca lmol~sals to eeas~x~e~ one c~ ~idges between ~ai~ridge Is~n_~4 and the mlnlamd to ~ Wes~ and Seuth~ and WHEP~AS. the State SisJnay Departmeat bm relsas~ aw~mwmxt a prelimiaary na~e, pertainlag to constr~tioa of a highe~ fr~ She Sta~e Ferry Temimsl in the Town o~ Winslow, and WHEREAS. such W~liminary pe~p~sal f~ a new bigbsa~ has ~eem givea as a rou~e ~nrouXh the T~sn of Wi~slox seuth of the ~ S~hoel Read, aad FAW~AS. such a mute would biseet ~s Tow~ ~ re,tire aequisitiea of considerable m,-~e~ of the best houses within the Tews, would depress valm of ma~ existing hoses, would crea~e a bardship amd damage land cwaa over a considerable area, would erea~e a hasard to the life ct childtea by sepawat- lag the s~b~l ami k~h ~hocl fi~a the pop~A~ed area et the ~. TaX~aX~ ~ ~r ~OLPg~ ~V the Tm CoupS/of ~e Tc.m W~--w~le~F~ lla~'t, ells U fOllOWIll That the State Hi~ay Cmds~ be implored to c~asid~ p~ssible X~u~es N~ of ~he Tm _~ts aad existi~ s~he~ls tbx~m~h available sad to the end t~at an~ legislati~a, pmmTt~U{Wm~S4; ~wm ~ subJeer, estab]J. Sl~ to ias~re eesple~e eval~atica of lambable reu~es ~e~her wi~ public hearings. PASSZD by the Town Cc~a~l of ~be Tram of Wireslee, Washingtea ~his 1st day ~f A~ils 1~. ATe, Clerk