RES 70-02 INCREASE IN VEHICLE PARKING METER RATESResolution No. 70 - 2 A ~ESOI,UTION AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN EXISTING VEHICI,E PARKING HETER RATES, PROVIDING FOR THE COST OF THE MECHANICAL CONVERSION OF THE METER UNITS ~ND ESTJBI,ISHING THE REVISED PARKING METER RATE SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, it is considered in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Winslow to expand the services of the Police, ~treet ~n~ other functions of the City, ~n~ ~HERFAS, it is considere~ oreper to update the parking m~ter ~es to provide new rev~nu~ to s~n]v toward such s~rvices, ~OW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of ~l~inslow, Washington, as follows: ]. The City shall order and install the necessary Darts to convert its parking meter e~uipment to conform with $ new oarking meter fe~ schedule. Costs incidental to such conversion shall be paid ~s nrovided f~r in the ]970 ~Ket. ]. O~er~tion of the City's parking meter equipment shall be ~ov~rned by the provisions established by Winslow Ordinance No. ]25 dated April ]6, 1963. Effective on or about March ]st, 1970, the Citv's natking meter fee schedule, shall be as follows: ~ H~ ~o~ each Nickel ~ HRS. f~r each dime 6 HRS. for each Quarter fhe Hours of Operation shall be= ~ AoM. t~ 6 ~.M. except for certain meters ~u!v designated, identified and posted which shall read Hours o~ Operation, 6 A.Mo to ~:30 P.M. which ~h~l b~ used For "Loading Only" between 4:30 PoM. and 6:~ P.M. fhere will be "No ChsrKe" for use on Sundays and HoJidays. AT'fESTC!erk P~SSED bv the Council o~ the CITY OF WINSLOW, and approved bv its M~vor this ,.~.~Y, day of 7/C ~ !~,, ~/ , 1970. - Mayor