RES 70-05 DISPATCHING TELEPHONE SERVICE FOR POLICE :.:C" ,iTTIO'.,_'] r',IO. 70-5 '~. "'.c s ~z~lutionproviding telephone answer ing so:trice and ~Tispatching service for the "7jns~ o': 2o] ice Department. ;'~" ' it is necessary to cugment the present ~ i~"~ *--~!e:h]n,7. ,~ns~-zering service to ~rovide such service %: n t:,nr~ Holidays, an d H_,]'iiZA,], it is considered in the best interest of ti-'.z, l'dI~_co oper~:tions to up date the ans~erinS service and :~::c;:':~ls?. n v~'{~f<fssLon~'], 4ependable and experienced service, 'vC-ir:'i::~.L:3, such service has been offered to the City ~-.' r .... c o f t.: ~z Kit~:t> (]ountv Sheriff at no a ~ditional cozst aw,:r thc :,resent existins system :~0;:C'!Zi=,r:FC'R::, LE IT,IZ~;OLVED by the Council 7, r~T~in ~:c~ the 2resent night time ansvering 7.. Lcc~ovc the pres,znt te!epbone inst:~]ls_tion of ~"~' i',:c tel e:~-~onc snd ~ ts ::>:tensions from the City Hall and :'3. '~ a,::~z~'; ': v.'.,:ious ', ~ ' -'~ ~ ~ -co=''~ ~ ~r'f='s plan -. ~ ..... County ~e.z ~ for instal!a. ti. on - ~ ,':~honu cannect ion at the Sheriff' s dispetcher desk. ~ :'~c,~-~zot County ,u _ 'ff,,- ffer that ~:~ i '~- ~:c',] ~:~?,ona c::7 !: .,. ,,, oe ~ nc and disoatched by ~. ,L'~'rrm.:~e ':'lth Telephone Company for installation ,~f one, li:~;, ~n ...... 3hcriff's c~ ~ ,.-_t~ be~;ring the same 'Viking ,,, ,~: ~ ~ , , .e 'as !;e~n uoter' ~:'t $n~.75 ~et' month for toll free calls. ': .ethan ~-'~ ~:cs,~nt un'[isted teluohon~ l~resentl. y =~' ~ · resu]t the ~ =,' c{,v - ',~= {:hc ')j:rtc:toTv Eemc. ining exactly ~.s in PA ' ~ ELc~_k