RES 70-06 POLICE BAND RADIO:;E'>SLUTION 7,~0. 70-6 ,esoTutio~ establishing thc ,-~'~ for neeu a 'DO'lice Lone' e.nd j) . 'i','~fliO authorizing 9llFC]'I~LSC thereof. ~ ~ ' r, force is T] ~."l ',..'~, th.: Sity of ,tns!ou _o~ u~c dis,.Datched ,' L'~: (~ t?,. ~ :oun[" ]Incr'i "~*' {- r.rtclio l~ncl, and r:. .-.,:. tb~ ot~v r::¥io contact a.t present between the [:~tv':: ~c~[ic.:2 Con'c.c. ,'~n6 the Sheriff's Office is by a s d!.:. ~n.~ztr~'T latian mounted i.n the City's police automobile, "~'ii~]LS, if occassion reauires the City's ~olicc officer to .... .........~ ~.utomo!:,i]c, or ente. r c~ bu.i!ding, or becomes in- ;~'re~', he i.s comDlete]v dependent on returning first to the .':~toT~ol,il,~ l~orcc,. he: c:n ~l~rnon a. id, and '! i. :l'.':], it is considered advisable and to the best interest " ,--h.~ L.=, c-nfo~cccuint to D'- o ' I , <:. ~{ ~;o.>uf ~ r vLc~e sucll a safeguard: >i' TiE'liFO ,Z, ~ it resolved that purchase be made from ~ll lj,'.O]i.~ Zi, iCTI i<)~<tCSi of Trenton, nrichigan of one factory T, ">t.~_!t ,7ot~;~:ola 5 htt 7,zndi-Tai],'ie at $!79.50 complete ,."!.tl= batterv ch~n. rger ,nt Q50.O0. -33SO by the CO!JNCIL i'll;' TF~.% CITY ()F '/:'INSLOiS' this 15th day of June , 1970. <TT ,_i ST: Clat-r<