WHEREAS, it is considered proper and in the best interest
of organization that a manual of regulations for the City of
Winslow Police Department be established and amended as and
when required;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City
of Winslow, Washington as follows:
Section 1 - That a manual of regulations for the Winslow
Police Department be established and maintained by the person
appointed by the Mayor to the position of Chief of Police.
Section 2 - Said manual may be amended, by the Chief,
as may be appropriate, required or in the best interests of
the department.
Section 3 - The manual of regulations and amendments
thereto as hereby established shall be subject to approval
of the Mayor.
PASSED BY THE COUNCIL of the City. of Winslow, Washington
and approved by its Mayor, this ?-~ day of I~d:z:~ ~,
AU~US~ 10, 19'ZO.
1. Prescribed Uniform: The prescribed uz~iform for the City of Winelow Police
Dept will be officers pink trousers, tropical tan shirt, black shoes, &
E~ergreen green Jacket, with accessories ( arm patches, collar pieces, name
plate, & badge. )
2. M~y 15 will be date set for c~lxnge of winter _un~_form, and summer start withou~
tie will be in effect till Sept 15.
The n~4form reflects: Come on shift in complete uniform ( includ~ tie
winter months) . Clean sh~ves & neat haircut are absolutes. The ci%i=en gilarag
erizes the policeman with his appearance. Wear tie when ms~cing court appearance
Driving ~btts: Tr~ to be exemplary. Good driving habits save costs
goo~ will.
Ihablic Relations: Be courteous, polite, and u~xderstanding. Do, mr be baited,
you have no answer, advise the party you will search. ~e firm but fair.
public confine conversation to fields mot related to departmental pelic~
d spa rt merit · ·
Guide Linest Ml~ke your sentences Concise and easily n~_serstood. T~AB aviids
repeats and ~avee valuable time. Know what you want to say before you start
transmitting to avoid an~V misuhderstanding between officer and the dispatche~.
Use cede a~ ~uch as possible.
O~d. ae Lines: Use Departmen~ rams and identi£y ~elf. Rave co~plain~nt spell
last name. Determine if in city or county. Get address and have repeat plx~n~
nu~er. l~ature of complaint & time of occuronce. Expidite action as s~ as
1. Proceedure,: If at the time of contact the crime is still in progress try to
keep con~plain~nt on phone & get all i~fo on offender. Direction c~ flight, ve~
icle or afoot, implied threat or weapon shown, n-~er or persons involvede
aaded information is vital in determi~ing ~t imediate action to take and
sa~e your officers life or the department embarrassment. Xn an~ major crime
notify the Chief & the Sheriffss Dept Iamediately.
P~2~S01~ K~TII~S: ~il! be l~t ~nd 3r~ Money of the month. This is subject to c~nge.
~ ~t~ these ~es aM r~atl~ ~11 be co~or~ tc ~lici~ a~
ccn~i~utes a br~ ~ pol~and ~11 be d~lt ~h secondly.
1, ~lo~ Pollee crullers shall be ~ ~, co~o~ ~o a~ abide ~, t~e h~:
~ oNlynoes ~n force in the Cl~7 o~ W~nslo~, =~ ~e ~ol~e$ ~es a~ Re~$~$
a~ shall ~er their se~ices to the City with zeal, sourage, d~c~txon~ a~ f~elity~
2. ~1 m~bers of the Police department ~Me on ~ty shall o~y o~e~ a~
fr~ the~ supe~lsor.
3. MI tubers of toe Police depar~ent rest at ~1 trees ~en on duty, ~ ~at ~ ~on
a~ un~om,
~. ~l m~ers of toe ~ol~ce department ~en ~ ~nffom rest wear ~eir ha~ at
exceptl~ ~en in a vehicle, din~g in a restuarant, or ~en as a mt~r of c~a
~n ~d remove his bat.
"'f 5, ~1 officem w~l at all t~es conduct themselves in an orderly, c~s, a~ ci~
ma~r, ~th toward the public and toward other officers.
6. ~ ~r of the police de~rtment sh~]] loi~r ~ any ~blic place, or e~e
', game of chance.
7. No m~r of ~e police depar~ent ~e on duty or ~ unffom sha~ act or
h~m~eff in a~ ~nner ~icb c~ld bri~ discredit upon the police department,
~embe~ of the police department ~e on duty sMll not e~age ~ a~ politic~
rollins discussio~ to the detr~ent of discipline, nor shall ~ speak sl~ht~ly
& ~e ~tio~lity, race, creed, or color of a~ person.
~em~rs of the police department shall co~uct th~selves ~ether on or off
su~ ~er aa to co~om with proper moral s~nda~s.
No m~r o~ the police department shall exercise brutality or physical violence of a~
ki~ toward a~ prisoner, person under investigation, or person connected ~er~wlth,
other than to exercise such force as necessa~ to make an arrest or to pro~rly defe~
h~self or o~ers ~rom violence.
Members of the police department are prohibited from drinking any kind of intoxicatix~
liquor when on duty or in uniform.
Intoxication while on duty shall be cause immediate dismissal.
Excessive drinking or public intoxication while off duty will be considered conduct un-
becoming an officer.
When operating a police vehicle under non-emergency conditions officers wi3/operate
said vehicle in such manner as to comply with the provisions of the traffic code.
When a member of the police department has a complaint to make or is dissatisfied with
anything regarding the department he shall make his complaint knnwn through the chain
of command, and it shall be the duty of his supervisor to hear such complaint and for-
ward all information regarding the complaint to proper authority, The member making.
complaint will not discuss his complaint with other members of the department.
All police officers will attend scheduled personnel meetings unless valid reason fop
absence has been accepted° Submitted By
Page 8. P4Bproved By
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r ~ CITY of ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~. .
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~~'r ~ RULES ~ ~,ULATIO~JS ~ 8e ~ ~ "~ r ` ,~ ~ ~ '~ ,,~ `"~ 1 '~"~.
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Q ~kti ~ +~~~ 5RAT•T• INCLUDE i•1ii .~0~~/~i~~~ __ t ~~ r ~ 1}~ .FA~ ` ~~ ~ ~'',~4t
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~v VV 'Nt '.,' ~ .: ~ .., ~: ~ ~ i~• ~. ~, tea. ~ ~r Y# Tb~
"`~~~~ ~,~ ~Ths ~ub].ic ~t~ra~.ghs the: depe~rtment heavily by th® appearance of i~ egnipsae~t & par~~4~~~~ ..
,'~~,~~-, ~ ~. four- .this reason the patrol ~ ear and' office play 'a ~ pror~.nex~t ~o]~e i» the dape~~eeb4.i~~~ ;~.~` `r'
~~.~~ ~-rw '~, .. ~ ' , w .,
~, ~~prr ~~r, , pgblic relations. "'1`lla fo17 awiri~ rules sill .be s;dhered to de t`ai7.ur~ to "c~Y~; `syanl#~j~*:
'~~w. iSd `~,~ dl~cip).ir~ry actions ~` r .j ~~ ~ ~` ~ f ` $`
` I r' ~
i,4 ~'~'~ ~,~,~,~ y, ~ , ; , ' tar , '~ ~,
,~:. ,t~bps~ houe~keeping. Don t leave ,used or hs14' .fu~.l ~ ooffee -imps on the ~dsttd ;cgt~gt ~~}
"r tv'
~ `` ~ ~ ` ', a~t~r `place corspioous ' to .the publio. Rsep ash Lra s ta- t~md. In ~ energy, kee a .~~ . ~~~,
9 P ~ ~ ~~ ~s~ ~>L ~~, ~ ,-
i ~ '~}F~`~ ~offio• orderly, ~ ;~ t ~ ' ' t.~,`~~~ ~ n ~~~
`~ ~,'` ~. ,, a the'. a ui ant neat and orderly and make `aure' obstae2a~a :~rq ~~.@oar ,~. ;
,j~ '~~ } ~. Fatz~1 oars , Ke p q ~ ..
a ti,; , Kest fresh batteries. in ~the> 1 hts and c2~e1~
that Ce~7.d be injurious to the officwr. , ,~ : , , ;; , ~, ~ ,
~Y ~3~ ti b.~ i ° ~ +~.. ~ a F L ,
?' ~•+~doergericJ box when you-coma on shaft. Leave full' Lank oY, gas for-your-reletf~,~a~x ~ ~:'~ rv~.
{ r ,
+x ~j, : 5 4 ~ ' acid -racamn out ,patrol car during shift (~'inolude ~~ash tray ). The #satrol :car mill 6® d ~.
ax4~'~s~ ~ trashed Toes & Saturdays by thb dayshift man. .Check and msintain the prsas~ur4~ > , a~
~, I ~ ~-
+- a, y Y f ~
~' } rlg. , ~ ~ ~3 R , ~f ~ ~~.~ '~
ti ~' ,t ~ may i ~ ., _ ~ - ' ~ ~ ,,a_ ~ S R~ ~ a
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a ,~ ~ .; r ~~ , ; f3. Flay ot1 releiving for gout shift l0 mirmtgs before scheduled ~ tame. , ~: `' " i ~.~ ~ s ?
14 ~ ( Uns~iaiaaeby` approved` Police Pereonael s®atiu~ 7-20..70 ) • ~ r ~ ~, ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~x ; r `~~ `
~~, ;;~{ ' '~,t~~;, ~A tour pfdutylog will maintained At alltfines~~ at~~thi '~ cf ah3~,'~r~ ~,~ ,
a, r
1 - 1 ~ ~
r ., ".:,~ without fail. ~ ~, #Lr ~ ~y"~~~ '~
~~. .~...,.,,.....--.........,.~...~. '. ~, ~a ~ ~ .
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~ •,-'~°~~ , ~'~ ~ Tha ~ewiz~ et~i`t r-11.1 aak4 a 1~horo~h bui~d~,x~. aeou~city check baxora; beiuE "~calA~,v~ ;."~, ,yr~
~i ~ ~ by ~rav!~yaxd. The graveyard will , coaduet .aompleta bui,ldi~ cher~ bofar4' bel~~ .rh ~ „~ .
.r.f s ' ' :3,aived b~' Qayshift. Suggested:aheee ckteoku,,ba °coaducted' oa ewin~ bet hr~ a o~";1QtOQ ~ ;
S .: ~ 4~
~ ~`_, ~1 p.~+!. tOr ~,#C4 A.M. de on graveyard bet ~hr~s~ of 4:00 A.M.~ & 6t~?0 11.M. ' ~ r M r ~~, ~ ~ ~' ;~
' ~ °' ~ ~ ~ authorized, ~ersannel will ride 3n the trol car." This 3ncludea~~other o1~~
ofticera ,and city o#'ficials." 't
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3 +.,
August Old, 1970
Shift Proceedures:
~heae regulations will be effective immediately.
A daily turnover will be kept in the office typewriter & any iz~o from other
deptss that may be of consequence in our facilitating better law enforceaen~
~ill appear on this log.
~ch shift will be allowed two 15 minute coffee breaks and a dinner hour.
When coding out try and use phone. If you are £oing to be a~ay from the
patrol vehicle for any duration of time, and it ~s out of w~ew lock the
~.,rV 1. Place a urisoner in custody in the county Jail.
· ~ ~, 2. Criminal activity that has originated in the city and investigation results
~'7 ~-'; in outside followuV. ~;.;,
:' ;' 3- ~eu~e a warrant that has been perfecte~ by our court ~t~on a lainbridge Is. ~.:,'.t' [.i...:...
',:;.~,,, .. Provide cover for another officer where it is reaso~ble to assume' he
',? !' ', in peril & no other agency is more inmediate. '
.... ;" 5. At the request of the county where such request is feasible and ~sy be releven~'
,, , . ,,,
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