RES 71-02 FILING APPLICATION WITH DEPT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPRESOLUTION NO. 72-2 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALARY ALLOWANCES TO POLICE PERSONNEL FOR A DEFINITE AIdD LIl~LCTID PERIOD OF TIME. WI~IEREAS, it is the desire of the Council to provide the Citizens of the CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHII~GTON with 2!~ hr. police service, ar~d WHERE'~AS, the Winslow police department has been operating with the policy of 2te hr. service with a ~ man department, and ~1~3EREAS, the resignation of one employee has temporarily reduced the department to 3 eanployees, and WHEREAS, the remaining employees of that department voluntarily offered to extend their hours in order to maa.n- tain the desired service. NOW TFIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Gity of Winslow, Washington as follows: (1) Aut11or3.ty is granted to al1oK salary payment increase comnnensurate to approved overtime. ~ (2) The Pay rate shall be the individual employees established salary computed to an hourly basis. (3) This authority is effective as March 6, 1972, and shall terminate with assigrnnent of the fourth full time employee for police duties. (}~) .This:. inex+ease °is :to. be ,.funded Ffroei moneys agprapriated for"monthljr salary of a fourth police officer which shall also be used for wages i.n payment of tear~orary police personnel. t5) The increased salary payments authorized herein are limited to an emergency short time basis for the specific purpose stated and must be approved and ~ 3ustified by the Chief of Police. Passed by the Council of the City of Winslow, Washington and approved by its Mayor this 2Oth day ~of~M?a"rch, 1972. ~~~ f r .. ATTEST: f (`~ C er I.',L"" '~'HG ttODY OF AI'PL, . ,, ..; I..(l'r loll ()v GOVIiR,., l'roj eel J';Ill)--|ilr,',) (For IIUD Use) |{,~so]utjoli a,~thori::i.;: iil~nL of ul,l,lical..ion witl, the Del~prtn~cnL of lIou:;ine and Urban De- velopment, LlniLed EL:tits:; of Amcrjc.:~,., lot a i~ranL under i'.L. 8.9-11~. WItICI(I~AS, pursuant ,.o I'.I.. e.f)-ll'l il:r. Unjtc, d State:; of America has authorized the making of i~rants to i}ublic: t>odjcs to aid ill fxn:~ncjng t. hf~ coilsCriterion el basic water and sewer pl~OJ cots: · the Council of the Ci.t.y.. of Winslow ((;,,,,.,,,i.6 I;o,,,,I of Al, pl ,c~,,t) 1. That F-Award l.l, Ulloa be ~,nd he Is hex'eby t, uthorizcd to execute and file .... n application o,~ I,~,]lalf ef. ~e Ci~Z Of W~I~ with the :~[ aeparLn:Pnt. of llous]~.& :~.~d Urbane. DeveloDment. Unit. ed SL. tcs Gover;~h~cn~. for a grant te (Brief Project Description) ~tiot storage of public wa~ sys~m and an assurance of compl iallcc v. i ih ih,. I),,Darl c:o~[ of' llousjl)g ttr. d llrb~tll [)t. vc, l,'~pmer, L ]'(~Rtllations under 2, That .... ~ard.pl.. U/2Loa, ................................... .I..,J~,,yor. ...............................l,e and (.1%'.:-r ,,f ..;,,tho, , ~,'c' ll,:,r~ ~,,,taf,Pe) (T~tl~) © he l.'i !l{,ri, t}y ft!lihol i;..:.d a~id dill. cLod to furnish such informnt. j. oi~/as the Dcl}artnlent of !lousi~a and Urba:~ li,'velof, n~cnt. ~.~y reasonably request in connection wj. th the applica- tloh ~hich is hcrein.:~uLh<,rized to be filed, PASSED _b.2C..t. he.. C_op~_._c.i._3.-._.o.£__t_he_J_~_t,y......o.f_.Fin_s_l___c~.,.~a~_~q~_ .and.. _ap.p_rmm...a..by. ~ts r~a~y.__o= this CER'FIFICATE OF RECORDIHG OFFICER , T~- undernil;ned duly hualjlied and acting__ Clerk/Treasttrer of the J City of Winsl~w (r~, of officer) ............... does hereby certify: that the attached resolution i:; a true and correct copy of the resolution, authorizing the filin~ el applic:ttjol~ ~'ith the Del',artmeni. of Hou:;in(.; and Urban Development, us regularly adopted "t a leFally convened n,,-c. ti:,[: of lhc_.._C_i__tY_ Council of ~e cit~r_o_f_W_'.mn.~_!ow dul:' held 'x..~.~.,' ' ~?e of Governi,,~ Hody c[ AI, plicant) · on the 19th day of AprjJ. lg and furibex' that such resolution has been fully recorded ill the .ic~urx~a] of proceedings and records in my office. In WIthes:; ~'h,,reof, I. Ii:tve l},.re~sltt<, s{~t, my hand thj. s2..2..n_d.. .... day of ....__Ap~ D['.t'AI','Fh!!r.N'F O1;' !!OtISIN(; ANI)'I;I{I~AN I)I.:\:I.;I,UI'MENT ...... ..C!e..z'.k/.T~...easu:r..ez'__ ................... Title r~[ !ler,,r,l~,,~.