RES 72-06 IMPROVEMENTS TO WATER SYSTEMRESOLUTION NO. 72 - 6 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AWARD OF CONTRACTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 1972 IMPROVEMENTS TO THE CITY OF WINSLOW WATER SYSTEM. WHEREAS the City needed to improve its Water System by increasing the storage capacity of the system, increasing the water SUDDI.y capacity and Dumping facilities, and augmenting the water transmission line to the reservoir site and existin.q water distribution system in order to meet the expanding demands of the Citv, and WHEREAS the Citv has caused plans for this improvement to be prepared, and bids to be called for on June 14, 1972, and bids to be opened on Julv 13, 1972, and WHEREAS six bids were received for Section A, Water Storaae Reservoir, ranging from $114,897.30 to $171,675.00 with the Engineer's Estimate bein~ $131,250.00: and two bids were received for S~ction B, Head of the Bay Water Facilities, ranging from $21,745.50 to $31,468.50 with the Engineer's estimate being $23 ,100. 0~ : and seven bids were received for Section C, Water Transmission Lines, ranging from $51,850.4.3 to $75,703.64 with the Engineer's Estimate being $51,569.70, and WHEREAS the .project engineer, Roats Engineering, has reviewed all bids and investigated the capabilities of the low bidders and found the low bidders' proposals to be responsive to the City's call and the contracting firms qual i fi ed to perform the proposed work and has recommended award to each of the low bidders, and WHEREAS the City Council has reviewed the bids received and the Enaineer's recommendation and found the proposals of the low bidders to be in order, therefore BE IT RESOLVED b,v the Council of the City of Winslow, Washington subject to the subsequent approval of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as follows: 1. That a contract in the amount of $114,897.30, including State Sales Tax, be awarded to Welk Brothers Metal Products Inc. of Spokane, Washington for the construction of a 1,000,000 gallon capacity welded steel water storage reservoir. 2. That a contract in the amount of $21,745.50, including State Sales Tax, be awarded to Kendall Construction Co. of Gig Harbor, Washington for the construction of a 10,000 gallon capacity welded steel water storage reservoir, ~umDhouse, eo. uiDment installation, and piping at the Head of the Bay Water Faci 1 i tY. 3. That a contract i n the amount of $51,850.43, i ncl udi ng State Sales Tax, be awarded to Bert Robison Construction Co., Inc. of Seattle, Washington for the construction of eight, ten, and twelve inch water transmission and supply lines. Passed by the Council of the CitV of Winslow, Washington, and aonroved bv its Mayor this 7th day of August, 1972. ATTEST: Francis H. Saul, C1 erk