RES 73-07 UTILITY LEDGER..:.:??2SOLUTiO!'-i 7J-'T
i.,U-TE~,~:E.f~j, i:he Utility Ledger of the C~.'ty of Uinslow has not
bee>': a!ij~!si:.ed !'or losses c]uring the past eight (8) 3~,ar period, and
l.~i.S]IZ.~"!. fit is considered proper ~.I~ in ]ine accepted
aecc';.n~.:'Lng ,~rocedmres tha'b such adjus'~aents be made
A~ ~ ~ ·
~' TT I':~OI.,VED bv the City Council of the
,~..,. ,...~ .~].~S 10~'Y- aS '~'0n ~ ~Z,~$:
T.,.'~a-b ~'~e .q~:~.ecial itemized accoun.% of 'Doub%fu]..Accounts"
rel'~res entin.:-~ h~l rul> 'bcy~ had debts ~ disputed ~'~d que stionabie
c!~a?-~e~ ~r'c~,~"~n,? d~r'~. the ~ast. eight (6) yem~s be ~,~itten off
it: '~qae ~c~ount~ oc 'tIate-~ ~] ~4n'-~ 92 az~o :]e~.zcr F~md $hS! 6~.
That the record of these indivicmsfi. accounts be main'bained
~',,y :'~a:m~'~.s thereof be <lu!v creciited,
;'>.'~.U--;;]i~ b--the r:o~mci) oi' the n4z~r of E,Yinslow~ Washington
a.,.~ci .ap.i:u-.eved by its TTaZ:or ti~ s ~ ~. day of .,~u~st, ~ qTJ