RES 74-01 FUNDING FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION PROJECT~ES(~)!:UTION NO, 74-]. ".. Rg:!.~O'r_iFI'TON A!JTHO'.'.ITItNG A'[:'PLIGATI,()NS FOR FUNDING ~ :S S I ;ET/if',~Ci'] F~R .~N "'~ ~,~)r) ~ ~EcREATION PROJECT l 0 THE ]' :MT'i~i~,'~G~ZiNCY CONE'.'IITTEE FOR O[ITDOOR RECREATION AS '~('VT~rV:'~ '~V ','Hi: HAPTNE R! iCR'EAT ION !.,AND ACT ........ ~-~,, ..... ~ of khe Gi-ty of Wins] ow, Wash- -~ t.~;~ has apr~'~"'t~'z.-:r] ~ "Gompreb. ensiva Park and Recreation .... ' ~ ....... t. identifies a community park on (I) i~a~:2~I.c: Har'bo:r :i..~:~ ,:b~.. sot~thcrn part off the city as number '.~-~/,~:~ u~der the provisLons of ~he Marine RecreatLon La~.d ',~t~ st-,~.~t~.~ an~.~ ~Ted~ra'L ~u'ndLng assiskan.~e has been author- .. ~r~'-" ~nc~ng the cost of land ~:z~Ld ~','mc~ ~a~':Ze. av~-,-L~..,,.,re to aid in fin3 ' ~o~: ...~r~.,t:~ ..,~.~..' the construction of outdoor recreational facil !.tLe~ of .i c~cal pubt.Lc bodies; and '.'H!ZR'EAS, the C-itV Co'uncil of the (2) City of '~.-Tinslow c':ons-~cZeYs i_t Lip the best int. e:~Tcst to acquire a comu.nity park Lr, tT-.,.¢z i,c,'~th-Centra~I part of the City generally 'Located on ~-~: ,~c~rth sbc,-~e of Ea~:].c. Harbor and extending north. to Brien )~.:'Lvc, !-.,c~:d.e~vj_~% o~. the east ~etwee'n Lot 5 & 6 Block V and ~c.r.~,:cc-:~ !,ot.s ~ ~- '2 '!~l..ock !II, anO between Lots 3 & 4 and l_~.,~; ~'~ & '7~ [k]..,-~ck ~ ~,~nd Block I'f in its entirety, all in %~.~,'~ f f,z~rd ' :,~ ,t,c~d it ion to Wi'ms Low; x4Ol Tt-!F.~',ZFO~:;,E BE !T RESOLVED, '.5 the City Council of the 2 '~ 'r:.v o f ~4.Ln~;; low, Washington, "~'~"-~':. ~'~c mayor- bc~ authorized to make formal applicatior~ t".c. 'e:.hc~ '~ntera~:Xcncy Committee for ~tdoor Recreation Cc~c fund ass:ista.nce, .y ~.n,~L any assistance so received be used in the :~.c:,.~:Ls.lt:~_eB of approximately eight (8) acres of land .Ln tha :~outh-qZen. tral part o.f the City of Ijinslow, -.ra shi~gt on, 'u~--~r- a~v property acquired with financial aid through 'ff:.h.~:- !ntc. ra. ganc2:~, Comn~ittee for ~tdoor Recreation be ,>l.;~cc.d Ln ~.sc as an o~.~tdoor recreation facility and 'bt: cteta Lnc:¢~ ir~ s~ch use i. 9 perpetuity 'unless as otherwise provided and agreed to by the City Council, - r In ~-,:~e'r~cv Com~.ittee for ~tdoor Recreation, an~ t.:l~~ ,.'::::-:,x~v affec. te{] fcde:ral agency, and That this resolution become part of a formal appli- ca.t:lot'~ to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor [?.ec',~eation. :',DOPTED by the City Council_ of the City of Winslow, l;a>--'.hingtop, at its reg,~]ar meeting held January 21, 1974. ATTEST: Signed ancl approved by the Mayor and Clerk of the City l~¥in,.'.~lo~, ~Za. shington, this 2!st day of 5anuary, .]_974. ....... ~ "/~ F /" · ;,:5 .... .' / '.,.~. b[/~ Y OR ' ' /"'7' C I, i72 'R K I Approved as to form: