WHEREAS, certain areas of Winslow are subject to periodic
flooding (and/or mudslides) from streams, rivers, lakes,
oceans, etc., causing serious damages to properties within
these areas; and
WHEP.EAS, relief is available in the form of Federally
subsidized flood insurance as authorized by the National
Flood Insurance Act of 1968; and
WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Winslow City Council
to require the recognition and evaluation of flood and/or
mudslide hazards in all official actions relating to land
use in the flood plain (and/or mudslide) areas having special
flood (and/or mudslide) hazards; and
WHEREAS, this body has the legal authority to adopt
„`, land use and control measures to reduce future flood losses
pursuant to RCW 35.21. 660 and 35.21.670
NOW, THEREFORE, t3E IT RESOLVED, that the City Council
of the City of Winslow hereby:
1. Assures the Federal Insurance Administration that
it will enact as necessary, and maintain in force for those
areas having flood or mudslide hazards, adequate land use
and control measures with effective enforcement provisions
consistent with the Criteria set forth in Section 191.0 of
the National Flood Insurance Program Regulations; and
2. Vests the City Engineer with the responsibility,
authority, and means to:
(a) Delineate or assist the Administrator, at his
request, in delineating the limits of the areas having special
flood (and/or mudslide) hazards on available local maps of
sufficient scale to identify the location of building sites.
(b) Provide such information as the Administrator
may request concerning present uses and occupancy of the
flood plain (and/or mudslide area).
(c) Cooperate with Federal, State, and local agen-
{ Gies and private firms :which undertake to study, survey,
map, and identify flood plain or mudslide areas, and cooper-
ate with neighboring communities with respect to management
adji;~i, ning f!ooci p],~in and/or mudslide areas in order to pre-
vent ~g~ravation ~ ex~ stinz hazards
(<~ Submit on the anniversary ~ate of the com-
mtmit)"s initial c]~g~bj,!itv an annual report to the Admin-
i~tra~-o:~: on ~e progre~:~s made d~.ring the past year within
the c. ommu~it:v ~n the development. and!ementation of flood
.~] :~'~ (and/or muc]siff~e .:~rea) management measures
n A-aDo]nts the City Engineer +o maintain for public
~'~i;~,~:t'f. on .~,nJ to fu:'nish uf)on request a record of elevations
................... ~ ~ - of owest
l~ b~"~m:~mt '} c,f ~!I now or ~ubs~antia!Iv improved str'uctures
~ ' ~Ioo~ haz,~rd ~rer~.s If the low~st
~ ~ r'~'~' on one or more ~,j. das ~" elevation of
'-'~,.~ ,33.~ .... shove m~s't: al. su ba recorded
~O~]?'['l~1% h.' '~:]'t,::: c~.ty Ccut~ci] of the Citv of ~Tinslow,