RES 74-05 BUILDING PERMIT SYSTEM "~' '-~inz~ow .~as adoptad and is en- C~[~ .. ~ ......... ..... ~<,r~:' !!~il.,.]!n~ ',:,:>c~,c of the aFore:said prohibits any per-son, r:>c~. at [c':,~ '~,- -~ eat ..., ..~ ~ ..... en] argin~, tr~=~'~'~ rc~'~!,.~,n~ imp'~ov'in%, movin~ or demolishing any "'in~:- ,:,"7 -=~ _ ; [,rst inin~ ~ separate ?c. ~"~'~ .... ~ ...... ' .....' '~ ~ ~ I ,LG ,n .:'::~ Or , ._~, ]cttlrc fro~ the and ~T~P~:'~'~S t.be C~'~; rne!neer must examine all plans ;c,n,7 ~'p,,.,c,!.,fica. t:~.onr~ rot ~h,e proposed construction when appli- c~t~:ion ~ m~{Ic "'o h~.m ~o~ a building permit, ~5E T't,' RESOLVED bv the City Co~.mcil · , f 0 1 o w $ 'i,7~.ns Low as I the C~. tv Engineer 'shall review all building o:",'~-,~r'~t!ons for new conct'r,~c~ion or st:bstantial ~.m- ,,~ ;, determine whether proposed building sites will safe,. from flooding. If a proposed building ~oc, ation that has a ~lood hazard, any proposed on, or s~c,bs rant is i i, mpr%~vemcnt ( including pre- mob; 1 e bome:.-~ ~ must ( i ~ be ,",~si gned ( or modi- col lapse or lateral tb=.:. ?t~t~<..t~;~*c, ( {.~ ) use c.o~st~uction materials c:,"7~il.~ment that are: cesistant to "flood damage, 7:.:)ns~L'i"~1~t~on methods and practices that will 2, 'l'hr~t the C~.tv Eng.Lneer shall review subdivision pro,ao.sed he%:; developments to asm~re that are con.?istent with the need to mini- ~. pt~.hl ic ~t~ lit:Lea and faci~ ities, drain, age is provi. ded so as to re- '}. '['b:,.t the City of ~{inslow shall require new or re- ;~]acerb~'nt: '~.v~,e:~ ,;~.~u,:,iv c:v~tu~s and/or saDi,-arv sewage systems to ~',e d~:~?~n;,:d to minimize or eijminate infiltration of flood ~,~' ~* ~ ~"~ s' ant~ ,:~<:char ~ .rom th systems in- ~' ' ," ' "isp ~a" systems " .... ~ lm~-ai, rment ~f thum qr contam- iv~::,ti.~n fjz::<,~r~ them {l~n~j f!oodin~, '~DOF'['ED bv the City Council. of the citvJEf Jins!ow, ;nZ held '~.v ] 974, '~i..%n~d :=~nd epproved bV thu Mayor and Clerk of the City :'~f' .Jin:?Lov:, 5ar]-,,inSt,,'>r~, tBis day of ~v, MAYOR / \:;.: 'i? :-; ''--~ v ,e' d :! s t.. o f o .?-7m: