RES 77-09 DEPUTY CLERK TO SIGN WARRANTSRESOLUTION 77-9 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE DEPUTY CLERK TREASURER TO SIGN ALL WARRANTS AND TREASURERS CHECKS DURING THE ABSENCE OF THE CLERK TREASURER, N~V.-~-, TO NQV. 'I1, 1977 ONLY~ WHEREAS the Clerk Treasurer of the City of Winslo be ent d WHEREAS it is necessary to provide for a provisional, legally authorized signatory for the City during the Clerks stated absence, NOW THEREFORE be it resolved by the Council of the City of Winslow, Washington THAT d~rin~ the pcriod Nov. 7 tu Nov. 11, 1977 the Deputy Clerk Treasurer, Dorothy D. Spickler is hereby authorized to sign all warrants and Treasurers checks to insure continuity PASSED by the Council of the City of Winslow and approved by its Mayor this 7th day of Nov. 1977. ATTEST: Robert W. McKisson City Attorney