RES 78-04 HONOR VOLUNTEERSRESOLUTION 78-4 A RESOLUTION TO HONOR ALL VOLUNTEER, APPOINTEES AND THOSE WHO HAVE HELD OFFICE WITHOUT CO~ENSATION FOR THE CITY OF WINSLOW WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Winslow voted unanimously to honor all the people who have served the City in past years and WHEREAS, the people who have served on the Planning Agency, Board of Adjustment and Civil Service Commission and in years past, the City Council without compensation deserve special recognition and applause and WHEREAS, these people have contributed many hours of service to the community and helped make important decisions which affect the City of Winslow's future development, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Winslow declares the week of August 21 - 28 as a time to honor all those who have so served the City. TH s .2 ' ~ 1978 DAY OF ~/Z , Mayor ATTEST: Clerk/Treasurer