RES 78-05 INTENTION FOR LID CITY OF WINSLOW RESOLUTION NO. 78 - 05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COUNCIL TO ORDER THE FORMATON OF A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS, STREET IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING ASPHALTIC PAVING AND GRADE ADJUSTMENT, RELAY STORM SEWERS, AND ADDITIONAL STORM DRAINAGE IN AN AREA WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT; SETTING FORTH THE NATURE AND TERRITORIAL EXTENT OF SUCH PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS; DESIGNATING THE NUMBER OF THE PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND DESCRIBING THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF; STATING THE ESTIMATED COST AND EXPENSE OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AND THE PROPORTIONATE AMOUNT THEREOF WHICH WILL BE BORNE BY THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT; AND FIXING THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FORMATION OF THE PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the City of Winslow is preparing to enter into public works contracts within areas near and adjoining to the propose~ local improvement district which will involve construction work similar to that proposed to be included within the local improvement district and the property owners of the district desire to have installed at the same time the improvements set forth in this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City has no funds budgeted for capital improvements in this area and no funds available to budgeting for the proposed improvements; and WHEREAS, One hundred percent (100%) of the owners of property within the area of the proposed local improvement district have informally petitioned the City for the installation of the proposed improvements and have indicated willingness to participate in the payment of the cost thereof; and WHEREAS, it is ~eemed necessary, advisable, economically feasable and to the best interest of the City and its inhabitants that the construction and installation of the proposed improvements be ordered and that a local improvement district be created and assessments levied therein in order to pay the cost of construction and installation of the improvements within the local improvement district; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council, City of Winslow, Kitsap County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of the area described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto which is located within the corporate limits of the City of Winslow by the construction and installation of the improvements described in Section 2 of this resolution. Section 2. The nature and territorial extent of the proposed improvement shall be the construction and installation of approximately six hundred and eighty-five lineal feet of curb and gutter; approximately two hundred and fifty lineal feet of six-foot wide sidewalk; approximately eight hundred lineal feet of eight-foot wide asphaltic street; approximately two hundred lineal feet of relay storm sewer; approximately thirty-four hundred square feet of concreted and brick inlay together with additonal storm drain; approximately two hundred and fifty lineal feet of bank protection on the north side of Parfitt Way together with grading and additional cost to the existing street project to lower the grade at Parfitt and Madison all of which is located within the city limits of the City of Winslow. On-To-From Description: ON Parfitt Way S.W. TO Intersection with Madison Ave. S. FROM Approx. 700' West of Madison Ave. S. Madison Ave. S. Approximately 80' North of Parfitt Way S.W. Intersection with Parfitt Way S.W. -2- It is hereby provided that improvements shall be subject to such changes as to details not affecting the construction and installation to be provided by the main general plans, as shall be authorized by the City Council either prior to or during the actual course of construction. Section 3. Said proposed local improvement district shall be designated "Local Improvement District No. 5" Section 4. The estimated cost of the construction and installation of the improvements authorized in Section 2 of this resolution is $52,351.00 and it is proposed that 100% of such cost will be borne by assessments levied against property within the proposed local improvement district and specially benefited by said improvement. Section 5. The nature of the improvements authorized in Section 2 hereof is such that the special benefits conferred on the land described in Section 1 of this resolution are not fairly reflected in the use of the zone and termini method of computing assessments and therefore, the assessments made against the real property described in Section 1 of this ordinance shall be made in accordance with the special benefits such property will derive from said improvements. Section 6. All persons who may desire to object to the formation of the proposed local improvement district and the ordering of said improvements are hereby notified to file their written protests with the Clerk of the City of Winslow at the City Hall, State Highway 305 and Winslow Way East, Winslow, Washington prior to 7:30 P.M., November 6, 1978, the time of a Public Hearing, which time and place are hereby fixed for the hearing of all matters relating to the creation of said local improvement district, the ordering of the proposed improvements and all objections thereto. Section 7. The Clerk of the City of Winslow is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing by publicaton and by mailing of notice thereof in the manner required by law. PASSED by the City Council, City of Winslow, Washington at a regular meeting thereof held this 16th day of October, 1978. Alice Tawresey,~ ATTEST: Clerk, City of Winslow I, Norma Sue Frix, Clerk, City of Winslow, Washington DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. ~ ~-~ of said City Council duly adopted at a regular meeting thereof held on the / ~ day of October, 1978. -4- It4(;ll'~liht5 · 5UI~VI.Y(,)I~5 · I'[ANI,ILRS I I GAI ('d'SCI{IPI I fli'l I IH~ HORI'GAGU, Wli'lSI fiW ~,.IIIAI~F C~l. IIOTE: Fi Io, IIo. ~71',1-f A.gust 1/. I')lfi Rev. At,Uust 2<), 197N Rev. September I I , 1978 ., See Reid, Hiddleton & Associates, Inc. survey dated July 28, '1978. (Same flle no.) I'ARCI.:I. "A" Tliatl [}t}rCicm uC governmint :lot, 4, section 27, lownship 25 nc~rlh, range 2 east, W.M., in Kitsap County, ~ash~ngt'.on, described a~ fol Jews: Commcnc]n~ at an ex]st~ng.c:oncretc monument on the east ]inc of sdid Government lot ~ f=om which the northeast corner of sa~d Govcrn~ one Jot ~ bears north 0004'55.. east a distance of 936.16 i',.c.~; ~hcnhe north 0~04'55" east 84.57 feet: thence.north.flgo55'05" west 20.00 'feet to the true point of beginning of ElSe tr'acL hd~ein described .Jsaid point also being.~e northwest corner of the inlcrsec~]o~ of tl~e north .line of C'o'unty Road N0. 242. with the west line Of Count1' Road No. 25~); [-hence nort.l~ 0"04'55" east along the west .line of County Road No. 259 a distance of 100.00 feet; the,,ce north 89~55'05'' west 284.D0 feet; thence south 0~04'55" west ]00.00 f~e~ to ~he north line of County Road No. 242; thence ~;oath 89°55'05'' east a~ong the north line of said County Road No. 242 a distance of 284.00 feet to the true point of beginninq. I'A RCEL "1~" That pori:ion of government lot 4, section 27, tow,~ship 25 perth, range 2 east, W.M., in Kitsap County, Washington, described as follows: Comm~'nci. ng at an existing concrete monument on the east line.of said 9overlunent lot 4 from which the northeast corner of said . government lot 4 bears north 0"04'55" east a distance of 936.16 leer; thence north 0"04'55" east along eas~ line of said government Jot 4, a distance of 43.50 feet; thence north 89~55'05" west a]onc. l the south margiu of Parfill Way southwest, also known as County Road No. 242, and the easterly prolongation thereof 132.00 feet; thence south 0~04'55'' west 62.00 feet; thence south 89~55'05'' east 4.00 feet; thence south 0"04'55" west 4.00 feet; thence south 89°55'05' east 46.00 feet; thence south 0"04'55" west 94.06 feet, more or less, to an intersecaion with the U.S. Government Meander Line; thence north 51"] 1'45" east along !taid line 105.34 feet to an intersection with' the east line of said government lot 4; thence north 0~04'55"' east 50.43 feet to the point of beginning; TOGI,VrlIER W]'I'il second class tidelands as co~v'ey~d by the State .of. Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting thereon; EXCEPT ~hat portion 0f government 10t 4 in said section 27, described as I:ollows: Commencinq at the existing concrete monument as descr[bed in the above description; thence north 0~04'55" east along the east ]ine of s;~id government lot 4 a distance of 43.50 feet to a polut on the eastetly extension of the south margin of County Road No. 242 and the true poin~ of beginning; thence north 89'55'05" west along said easterly extensaon and along said south margin a distance of 76.79 feet to the centerline of an alley way; thence south 0*04'55" west along said centerline a distance of 30.37 feet to an intersection with the westerly prolongation of the south line of the existinq building: thence soulh 89°33' 31'' east along the said south line of the existing building a distance of 76.80 feet to the east line of said government lot 4; thence north 0"04'55" .east al. oncl ~aid P. ape 1 of .. Auml.~.l i/, I'.I/U RPv. Aumlt;I 29, 1978 ' I{~;V. S,,l:)lcnllk".r I I , ILGAL DESERIPTIOII 'fOR MORTGAGE, WIIISI.OW UIIARF CO. (Con~.) east line 3].87 feet to the true point of beginning; ANt/EXCEPT that portion of tile above-described tract lying within the west 20.00 feet of a 40-fOot strip of land known as Madison Avenue South, also k~own as County Road No. 259, the center].ine of which is described as follows: Commencing at the existing concrete monument as describef] jn ~he above-described main tract; thence IlOrl.h 0'04'55" east along the cast' line of said government lot 4 a distance of 43-.50 feet to the true point o[ beg{nning of the centerline here]~ described; thence south 0°04'55" west 83.00 feet to the end of said centerline descrjptio PARCEL "C" 'i'h,'~t pearL[on cmf government lot 4, add secorld class [icle]am]ds, sect[ell 27, township 25 north, range 2 east, W.M., in Kitsap County, washington, described as follows: Beginning at. tile initial point on the east line of said government. lot 4, which poin~ is 50.00 feet north of the southeast corner pos~ on meander line of said government lot 4; thence north along the east line of said government lot, 40.00 feet; thence west 20.00 feet to the point of intersection of the west line of the Winslow Deck Road with the south line of an east-and west county road (be]n'g County Road NO. 242); thence west along the sout~ line of said County Road, 62.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing west along the south line of said County Road, , 70.00 feet; thence south along a line parallel with the east line of said Government lot 4, ~o the outer boundary line of tile tidelands of the second class; thence east along said outer bohndary ]ins to an intersection with a ]ins extending south parallel to the said east line of government lot 4 from the true point oE beginning; thence north along said parallel line to the true point of beginning; ]-2XCEPT portion thereof described as follows: Beginning at the true point of beginning of the above described main tract; thence west along the south line of said county road, 50.00 feet; thence south parallel to the east line of said government lot 4, ,62.00 feet; thence east 4.00 feet; thence south' 4.00 feet; thence east 46.00 feet; thence north parallel to the east line of said government lot to the true point of beginning. PAI~CEI, "D" That portion of gc~vernment lot 4, jn section 27, township 25 north, range 2 east, W.M., in Kitsap County, Washington, describe(] as follo~s Commencing at am~ existing concrete monument on the east line of said government lot from which the northeast corner of said government lot 4 bears north 0~04'55" east 9.]6.16 feet; tl~ence north 0'04'55" east along the east line of said government lot 4, a distance of 43.50 feet; thence north 89'55'05" west along the south margin of i,arfitt Way southwest, also known as County Road 242, and the easterly l~rolongation tibereel 152.00 feet, more or less, to the true point · of beginning, said point also' being the northwest corner of the Mjrkovich property as described in Auditor's File No. 461641; thence continue north 89'55'05" west along the said south margin of Parfitt way, ]52.00 feel., more or less, t.o the east line of the Anderson property as described in Auditor's File No. 524731; thence south along the east line of said AndersDn property, to the meander line; thence northeasterly, a long said meander line to an intersection with a line extending south parall. el to the east line of saig government lot 4 fro the true point of beginning; thence north along said parallel line to the true point of beginning; TO(iIiTtlEIt W1TI~ tidelands 'of the second class as conveyed by the State of %gashington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting thereon; ICXCEPT that portion of tile above-described tide]ands conveyed to Xathe ,~lizkov[ch by deed recorded under Aud[tor's Fjle No. 767296. PARCEL "E" ']'hat portion of governmnet lot 4, section 26, township 25 nor ill, range 2 east, W.M., in Kitsap County, Washington, described as follows: Page 2 of 4 .. Augt,;~L t/, 1918. " J{vV,/%l/,I,l'~l 2.9, 117fl ' P, ev. Sel,tmllher II, 19. L[GAL ()ESCRIPTIOH 'FOR HORTGAGE~ WIrJSLrll,/~IIARF ~0. [~,,linnjng at l),e zlc, rtbwest co:nor of said govelnment let 4; tJ~'nce soHt 0'~ J2' 40" west a long the west ),,~.ndary of :;,~id government lot 4 ~ 280. ~8 feet[ thence north 89'30'00" east to ~he intersection of the east line of Hadison SL~eet and the south line of Bjune Drive; thence south 0~32'40'' west 323.20 feet to the n~rthwcst corner of the Stanc]ard O~1 Company l'racL; thence south 89'29'30" cast 140.00 feet to concrete [1~C) IILIJJlt'IIt 1; thence 5ouLh 0032'40" west: 190.00 feet to col~c:[ete munument 11; ~ajd point being the true point of beginnjnq; thence sou~h 39*43'00" west 121.75 feet to concrete menumerit ]11; thenc:b south 0032'40" west 94.32 feet to ccn~crcte monument IV on the west bank of bay; then(~e nort]~ 49~32'40" east to a point on a line that is 20.00 feet east of and l~dra]lel with the .last-described course; thence north 0°32'40" east 73.00 feet, more or less, to a ['~ojnt 20.00 feel east of said concrete mo~unw~t 11]; thence north 19o43'00" east 12].75 fee~', mo~e or less, Loa point 20.Q0 feet east of said concrete monument 11; L],ehce. we~t 20., /,.,,~t to the true ix~jnt of beg' ' · · o. yod bySt.to , That portion of government lot 4, section 27, township 25 r;orth, range 2 cast, W.M., in Kitsap County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the meander corner between sections26 and 27, said township and i'ange, being on t. he north shore of EagJ. e HaL'bet, said meander corner also being the southeast corner c~t said g{~vernment. l~t. 4; thence north 0'40'00'' west along the east line of said gore lament lot 4, a distance of 124.32 feet, more or less, to the southerly margin of County Road No. 242, its easterly prolongation being the true point of beginning; thence south 89*20'00" west along saLd south right-of-way line of the County Road and its easterly ex~'ensi( a distance of 76.79 feet to the centerline of an alley; thence south 0~40'00' east along said centerline ~ distance of 30.37 feet to an intersect. ion with the westerly prolongation of the south. line of the existing building; thence east along said llne and its prolongation 76.80 ~eet to tile east line of said governmnet lot 4; thence north 0°40'00" west along said east line 31.87 feet to tile true point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion for road known as Madison Avenue South. 1" ARC. IC l. "G" ']'hal ix~r'tion of qovernmnet lot 4, section 26, township 25 norL),, rc~n~le 2 east, W.M. , in Kj tsap County, Washington; AN D Th.t i,Hrt. ion of second class tidelands as Cnnveycd by the StaLe of Washi;~gLon, s~tuate'in front of, adjacent. to or abutting said governme:~[~ lot 4,' described as follows: Commencing at a point on the west line of said government 'lot 4, which point lies south 0'04'55" west from the northwest corner of sa~d government lot 4, 703.37 feet, said point of commencement being on the section line between sections 26 and 27 of said township and range; thence south 89*55'05" east 160.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence along the westerly side of'a ravine, south' 19~15'40" west 121.75 feet/ thence south 0'04'55" west 94.32 feet to tile goveznment meander line of said government lot 4; thence south 0P04'55'' west 147.29 feet to the line of extreme low tide; thence along sa~d ]~ne of extreme low tide, north 89'55'05'' west 50 feet: thence nortI 0004'55" east 103.83 feet, to'the government meander line of said government lot 4; thence north .49'04 '55" east along said meander line 46.35 feet; thence north 0~04'55" east 109.90 feet; thence north 19~15'4( east ].]9.08 feet; thence south 89'55'05'' east 15.88 feet to the true poin(: of buginning. PARCL'L "I1" That portion of the bed of Eagle llarbor, owned by the State of Washingtel situate in front of government lot 4, section 26; government lot 4, section 27; and government lot 1, section 34, all in township 25 north range 2 east, W.N., in Ki~sap County, washington, more particularly described as follows: Page 3 or 4 C{'~ruulc, ticirlg at t.}lc~ n~callcler col tier oil thc wc-sterly ] j~e ()E :;~)CLj{~II sa~j meande= corner beLng south 0004'55'' west ]016.29 ~ee~ [rein Lhe r~ort. hwc. st corner o[ government ~oL 4~ sa~d section 26; thence ne~th 49~04 t~ast alo~g the m~,an4er li~te 159.D0 feeE; thence sou~h 0°04'55'' west ]4';.29 ~eet to the [izle c~f extrcme low L~dc and the true l~oinL i,~ginning; Lhence st~uLh 10°00'00" east 45]..36 f~,e[; thence Hg°Sfi'41'' wcs[ alom~g a line 150.00 l'('~-t souLl~erly amid parallel [Lo tlle Hic~l,,,~,3d li~e, a distance of ]58.40 /ee~; thence sotl~h 59'5~j'41" wes~ 29 ]. ~0 Ecet; the.nee north 12010' 17" wc'st 300.00 ~'e~L, mole or less, to the Jine of extreme low tide; Lhunce easterly alc~ng Lhe line of c>',tt'ume low tide to the true polnt of l~cginning. City of Winslow Certification of LID Petition October 10, 1978 I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge based on the records of Kitsap County the attached petition for formation of a Local Improvement District for the purpose of street improvements constitutes 100% of the property owners involved. October 9, 1978 City of Winslow LID #5 On - To - From Description: ON Parfitt Way S. W. TO Intersection with Madison Ave. S. FROM Approx. 700' West of Madison Ave. S. Madison Ave. S. Approximately 80' North of Parfitt Way S. W. Intersection with Parfitt Way S. W. October 9, 1978 Cost Estimate for LID 5 City of WinsloW ITEM Curb and gutter 6 ft. wide sidewalk APROX. QTY. UNIT PRICE TOTAL 785 L.F. $ 8.00 $ 6,280.00 250 L.F. $10.00 $ 2,500.00 8 ft. wide Asph St. Relay sto~ sewer concreted & brick inlay Additional storm drain 800 L.F. $15.00 $12,000.00 200 L.F. $10.00 $ 2,000.00 3400 S.F. $ 2.20 $ 7,480.00 L.S. -- $ 750.00 Bank protection north side parfitt Grading Addijional cost to Exist. street project to lower grade at Parfitt and Madison 250 L.F. L.S. L.S. $10.00 $ 2,500.00 -- $ 1,000.00 -- $ 2,800.00 Sub Total $37,310.00 Contingencies $ 3,731.00 Construction Total $41,041.00 Engineering 10 Legal 5 Administrative 5 Bonds 3 23'% Total cost to LID $ 9,439.00 $50,480.00 Estimated by: John M. Holman, P. E. City Engineer City of Winslow